A Great PR Stunt: Taking a Fall For Miss Bikini Ireland

Miss Bikini Ireland Controversial Pic

Miss Bikini Ireland Controversial Pic

Just the other day Miss Bikini Ireland contestant, Ana Pavel, was doing a photo shoot for breast cancer awareness. And what better way to do that than take pictures of the barely clad topless beauty sauntering down Harcourt Streets in Dublin. One of the photos was a slam dunk – or at least a slam as a distracted female cyclist outside the focused area of one picture still got featured as the victim of a crash. And with a rapidly approaching tram heading toward both the crash victim and Ms. Pavel.

Ana Pavel everything-pr

Considering the woman was probably just out for a bit or exercise or to run errands, she was probably not expecting to see a leggy blond woman in stilettos, a barely there black bikini bottom, trailing the top to said bikini in her hand behind her. Once people began to notice the fallen woman – er … the fallen cyclist, the pictures went viral. It is important to note here – Ms. Pavel was only one of the contestants being featured in the breast cancer awareness shoot – but she’s also the only one whose photo went viral – in largest part because of the cyclist in the background.

That turned out to be a great thing for Ms. Pavel. She signed a contract with Bathstores and More, an Irish chain store owned by Ray Quinn. The contract was in place within 24 hours of the photos hitting the Internet. Photos of the Bathstores and More shoot have hit the internet as well. Ms. Pavel is featured again with little on in various poses, some with a towel strategically draped, others with an open robe. All the photos set in the background of a spacious bathroom showing off the latest in luxury baths, sinks, and showers.

For a bikini model, it must be said, it seems the bikini is becoming optional as part of the job title.

But we commend Ms. Pavel for her ability to take that publicity ball and run with it. She couldn’t have planned what happened, but she knew what to do to make the most of it when it fell into her scantily clad lap. Well done – even if you don’t win the contest, you’ve won the PR war and gotten a good contract, name recognition, and maybe even a bit of a tan in the process.

This was a great PR Stunt by Miss Bikini Ireland!

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