Companies Need A Mobile Strategy Advises Kristen Sanne

Comscore Mobile Matrix

Mobile devices and smartphones are ubiquitous with communications and commerce through today’s online, constantly connected society, however it seems like many marketers and large brands have not yet fully embraced this channel. Mobile smart phones have been on the rapid rise for several years now, and as Scott Adams, the creator of the Dilbert comic strip, hilariously blogged about nearly 2 years ago, our phones can already be considered an “exobrain” helping you think, remember, and perform tasks for you.

So basically “You’re already a cyborg. Deal with it.” Bluetooth earphones on your head constantly? Cell phone always in your pocket? Is your phone that last thing you check before going to bed, or waking up in the morning?

We use our phones for EVERYTHING, from searching for info, emailing, playing games, gambling, keeping our schedules, texting, social networking, and yes, even phone calls. It’s at the point where studies are acknowledging a trend of addiction issues with our phones. Industry voices such as Kristen Sanne have been pushing full scale mobile adoption for years now. While there are definite challenges associated with these technologies that need to be addressed, mobile devices are the future of commerce that brands need to get on board with now. Not a year from now. Now.

Many companies do not yet have a full blown mobile strategy. Some have created online mobile sites or apps to try to capture this mobile on-the-move audience, but typically the experience is not optimal. And with mobile shopping sales steadily rising, savvy customers will turn away from making purchases at the instant they are ready to buy if you’re not there to capture the sale. Buyers can now research other merchants, deals, coupons, cheaper prices, other apps, etc. As more businesses begin to understand and realize the opportunities associated with geo-targeting, mobile check-ins and serving local deals in real time, those firms that build their mobile strategy now to lead the pack will hold a huge competitive advantage over the laggards.

As Kristen Sanne of Casting Made Simple advises, whatever industry you are in, mobile matters.

Kristen Sanne on Mobile Strategy

Today’s 3G/4G/Wi-Fi connected consumers can buy on a whim, whenever, and wherever they are anywhere in the country or world, and if you’re mobile experience is lacking, you will lose the sale.

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