Multimedia RFP issued By Maine Public Utilities Commission


Due date: September 22, 2023, no later than 11:59 p.m., local time.


A. Purpose and Background

The Maine Public Utilities Commission is seeking proposals for multi-media services as defined

in this Request for Proposal (RFP) document. This document provides instructions for

submitting proposals, the procedure, and criteria by which the awarded Bidder will be selected

and the contractual terms which will govern the relationship between the State of Maine (State)

and the awarded Bidder.

The State of Maine Public Utilities Commission (Commission) is seeking proposals for

multimedia services to enhance its marketing, communications, and public relations and

education efforts. The Commission’s core function is to ensure that Maine citizens have access

to safe and reliable utility services at rates that are just and reasonable for customers and public

utilities. To help educate the public regarding these functions, the Commission is looking for

proposals to develop campaigns to educate utility customers on financial assistance,

Commission cases, rate information, etc., as needed.

The intent of the awarded contracts will be to provide services related to content and creative

development for print and digital media, graphic design, video production, to include the

purchase and placement of broadcast and print advertising or public service announcements.


A. General Overview

The Commission is seeking proposals for vendors to perform the following media services on

an as-needed basis. Any work developed by an awarded Contractor will be owned by the

State. Contractors must supply the equipment/tools to perform the services. The work may be

completed at the contractor’s facility.

The Commission is seeking a contractor to develop up to two educational videos on a

consumer utility financial assistance program, utility safety, and/or utility education. The

Commission may wish to develop additional videos, as needed.

In addition, the Commission is seeking a graphic designer to develop up to 24 social media

graphics to enhance its public outreach and education efforts. The Commission may wish to

develop additional material, as needed.

B. Specific Tasks and Manner of Performance of the Work

The Commission anticipates the Bidders will require human resources from each of the

functions identified below.

A. Copywriter

The Commission is seeking a professional copywriter to produce content for the website,

informational brochures and publications, marketing material and social media content.

B. Advertising Agency

The Commission is seeking a professional advertising agency to create, plan and manage

advertising efforts. The agency would work with Commission staff to develop advertising

campaigns, including the purchase of broadcast time or print-ad space, as needed, to

include creating television, radio, print, social media and online advertisements and public

service announcements.

In addition, the Agency would coordinate the Commission’s participation in Critical Insights

on Maine Omnibus Tracking Survey conducted by Digital Research, Inc. to gauge sentiment

on Dig Safe and utility financial assistance knowledge and effectiveness of public outreach


C. Videographer

The Commission is seeking a videographer to produce educational videos or Public

Service Announcements (PSA’s) for public consumption, through social or broadcast

media. These projects would include working with Commission staff to script or outline the

video, filming or capturing video and producing the video.

D. Graphic Designer

The Commission is seeking a professional graphic designer to produce content for the

website, informational brochures and publications, marketing material and social media

content and graphics.

E. Administrative Support – as needed, to schedule meetings, etc.

F. Media/PR Consultant

The Commission may have a need to consult with a professional to strategize for media

outreach during certain crisis situations. If needed, the consultant may help develop a plan

to create and disseminate information in a timely manner, which may include reaching out

to media outlets to schedule interviews, creating and placing ads in traditional and social


In the work plan and cost proposal, Bidders should list the number of hours required for each of

the above resources to complete the two videos and graphic design work. For purposes of the

cost proposal, Bidders should assume that each video will be 30 seconds in length.

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