Nassau County Issues Advertising RFP

Nassau County Issues Advertising RFP

Nassau County Issues Advertising RFP

Educational Recruitment Advertising Service for Nassau Boces and Various Districts:

The Board of Cooperative Educational Services of Nassau County (New York) is a public educational shared services agency that serves fifty-six component community school districts and the 225,000 public school children. While all of those school districts are within Nassau County, there is no connection between the government of Nassau County and Nassau “BOCES.” Currently, there are thirty-seven BOCES in New York State which cover more than six-hundred-eighty local school districts. These BOCES benefit many hundreds of thousands of pupils. Nassau BOCES is the largest BOCES in New York State and was established in 1967.

At the present time, Nassau BOCES operates over 14 campuses totaling 1.2 million square feet within the county, several of which are leased from other districts.  The function of this Agency is to broaden educational opportunities for the local school district child. Nassau BOCES directly educates approximately 1,600 special education students, 1,500 high school students in the career and technical education programs, 1,400 adult education learners, 10,000 students in our regional summer programs, 60,000 students in arts and outdoor education programs and hundreds of other students in additional programs. Among the services provided by the various Nassau BOCES departments for elementary students, secondary students and adults are:

  1. Career and technical education centers for teenagers and adults.
  2. Special education schools and classrooms for youngsters who are disabled.
  3. Outdoor education, performing arts education, computer based instruction and cultural and academic enrichment.
  4. Skilled teachers of special subjects including art, music, foreign language, remedial reading and technical education.
  5. Psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, counselors, nurse-teachers, speech and hearing therapists and other specialists.
  6. Transportation for students who attend Nassau BOCES schools.

Scope of Work:

Required Services to be Provided:

  • Ads are to be professionally prepared of high quality and be accurate. Agency guarantees accuracy based on the final proof as approved by Nassau BOCES. (Any such errors that result in credits being issued by the publication must be credited to Nassau BOCES.)
  • No additional artwork or copy is to be added that deters from the visibility of the ad.
  • Provide advice on layouts and copy to enhance the advertisement’s effectiveness
  • Proven history of professional services, i.e. meeting deadlines for publications, quick production capabilities. Please provide detail on the average turn-around time we may expect.

Vendor’s Role: Starting with the initial placement of an order to the actual publication of the advertisement, the selected agency will be required to perform the services listed below. Nassau BOCES will retain responsibility for the final decision of the size, costs, name of publication, placement and the number of times an advertisement is run.

  1. Review and assist with copy.
  2. Reserve proper space and time in the publications
  3. Layout and design advertisement
  4. Do research to allow the advertisement to reach its maximum potential.
  5. Quote sizes and process of advertisement for approval.
  6. Send tear sheets upon publication.
  7. Maintain an active file of all advertisements.
  8. Telecopying/faxing materials to the publication(s).

Due Date:

June 7th



George Farber Administrative Center 71 Clinton Road

P.O. Box 9195

Garden City, New York 11530-9195

NY PR firms include Hunter PR and Finn Partners.

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