National Society of Black Engineers Issues Marketing RFP

National Society of Black Engineers Issues Marketing RFP

National Society of Black Engineers Issues Marketing RFP

The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) has issued an RFP for a full-service and high performing marketing and communications agency that specializes in the nonprofit sector. The agency experience should include high-level communication and marketing strategy, planning and execution; brand messaging; membership outreach; media relations; graphic design; social media strategy and email marketing. The agency should have the ability to set quantitative goals for each program that can be tracked and measured throughout the year while managing NSBEs strategic goals. The agency should be versed in working in an aggressive environment to have a high impact across many sectors. In short, NSBE is looking for an agency to help drive membership, organizational goals and promote programs that will drive its strategic vision (NSBE 2025) to graduate 10,000 black engineers, annually, by 2025.


The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) is one of the largest student-governed organizations based in the United States. NSBE, founded in 1975, supports and promotes the aspirations of collegiate and pre-collegiate students and technical professionals in engineering and technology. NSBE’s mission is “to increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.” NSBE has more than 500 chapters and more than 16,000 active members in the U.S. and abroad. For more information, visit

Scope of Work:

  • National Conferences (Events) – Each March, NSBE holds its annual convention, which attracts nearly 11,000 members, exhibitors, sponsors and guests. The annual event will require development of the brand, marketing strategy, email marketing and graphic design (social media marketing graphics, website graphics, graphics for the convention partnership guide, etc.) for each year. NSBE also hosts the following smaller conferences that may need support.
    • National Leadership Conference (June)
    • Professional Development Conference (September)
    • Six Fall Regional Conferences (October–December)
  • Communications, Marketing and Public Relations Strategy – NSBE has a variety of campaigns and new programs that will require marketing and communications support. The projects include but are not limited to:
    • Promote a call to action on the “Be 1 of 10K” Campaign
    • Make the #BlackSTEMLikeMe Campaign an overarching Society campaign
    • Launch exploratory programs targeting STEM at schools and churches
    • Increase awareness for the Summer Engineering Experience for Kids (SEEK)
  • Membership Campaign
    • Develop innovative and exciting membership campaigns to encourage NSBE’s members to renew and retain their memberships and for potential members to join the society.
    • Create focused email messages around joining NSBE.
    • Distribute content driven newsletters to build a rapport with NSBE members.
    • Develop strategies to make membership renewals as seamless as possible.
    • Create video campaigns and testimonials of current members and highlight why being a NSBE member is important.
    • Help grow NSBE Jr. chapters across the country
  • Social Media Strategy
    • Build upon NSBE’s current social media strategy and increase NSBE’s social media presence with members, board of corporate affiliates (BCAs) and other stakeholders.
    • Expand online impact through followers, blog posts, responses, connection to other players in the field, etc.
    • Create a robust social media environment that will bring funders to NSBE and enhance the fundraising environment in social media.
  • Additional Project Support
    • Website updates
    • Graphic development support
    • PowerPoint presentations support

Due Date:

August 3, 2017


Yvette Watson
Manager, Marketing and Communications National Society of Black Engineers
205 Daingerfield Road
Alexandra, VA 22314

Agencies who may be a fit for this include Makovsky PR or MWW PR.

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