New Hampshire Department of Education Issues Communications RFP

New Hampshire Department of Education Issues Communications RFP

New Hampshire Department of Education Issues Communications RFP


The purpose of this RFP is to seek proposals to work in conjunction with the NH Department of Education, Bureau of Student Wellness to implement a social media campaign using existing public service announcements written, directed, and produced by New Hampshire youth.

The goals of this effort include:

1) Reach all age groups of New Hampshire youth through direct digital marketing using innovative and targeted advertising metrics

2) Use social media platforms to enhance reach and engagement by marketing virally packaged information bursts that will supersede the impact of traditional marketing strategies

3) Collection of analytics to describe engagement and reach

In order ensure broad messaging reach, the successful applicant will utilize a diverse array of vehicles for dissemination including both organic and paid advertising on various social media platforms. The successful proposal will address diverse audiences including middle and high school students and their families, students with disabilities, students who are limited English proficient, and those with limited access to high speed internet.


The Department of Education offers a wide variety of programs and services in support of New Hampshire’s students, teachers, educators, administrators, families, and community members.

The mission of Special Education is to improve educational outcomes for children and youth with disabilities by providing and promoting leadership, technical assistance and collaboration statewide.

Special Education provides and promotes leadership, technical assistance and collaboration statewide to ensure that all children and youth with disabilities receive a free, appropriate, public education.

The Bureau carries out its mission by

  • Guiding the continuous improvement and monitoring of special education and related services;
  • Supporting effective strategies and specialized support(s) for preschool age children with disabilities to participate and progress in appropriate preschool activities;
  • Supporting effective instruction, specialized services, and supports for students with disabilities to participate and progress in the general curriculum;
  • Creating partnerships with agencies, organizations, and individuals providing services and supports for students with disabilities;
  • Providing and supporting high quality professional development opportunities for teachers, specialists, parents, and other interested parties;
  • Supporting Institutions of Higher Education in the professional development and preparation of qualified teachers and specialists to assure appropriate support for students with disabilities;
  • Improving and utilizing effective data collection systems that support the provision of quality educational services;
  • Disseminating information on special education rules, regulations, professional development activities, and promising practices.

Special Education is charged with providing oversight and implementation of federal and state laws that ensure a free appropriate public education for all children and youth with disabilities in New Hampshire. Given this charge, the Mission of the Special Education is to improve educational outcomes for children and youth with disabilities by providing and promoting leadership, technical assistance and collaboration statewide. Through close coordination with the Department’s general curriculum and instruction activities, the Bureau of Special Education guides and directs a comprehensive array of statewide educational initiatives. These initiatives are organized under the following five (5) areas.

Scope of Work:

The applicant will provide the following services relative to this Request for Proposal and consistent with the Minimum Requirements.

  1. In collaboration with the Bureau of Student Wellness, plan, develop, and execute a strategic advertising campaign using various social media platforms leveraging existing public service announcements written, directed, and produced by New Hampshire youth.
  2. Provide a timeline for the project that includes major milestones and when all activities will begin and end based on the quality indicators. This timeline must include the activities that will be implemented; the resources that will be used to implement them, and the expected outcome(s) of each activity
  3. Develop and implement an evaluation plan to determine the effectiveness of the project including specific analytic measures to be tracked. The evaluation plan should assess whether activities identified in the proposal were accomplished and the impact of the project on middle and high school students and their families, including those with limited access to high-speed internet. The applicant may provide a completed evaluation plan with the application or may provide a work plan for engaging stakeholders, identifying focus questions, establishing short and long-term objectives, and assessing the formative and summative impact of the project


The successful applicant shall provide the Bureau of Student Wellness with the following:

  • Monthly Reporting: Reports to be submitted with each invoice requesting payment will outline activities conducted and how the project met 2.0 Services to be Provided.
  • Project Report: Report detailing the accomplishments and challenges of the project, based on the evaluation of the project, due 30 days after the completion of the project. This report will include a comprehensive overview of the entire project.

Due Date:

August 17th


Terry Stafford

New Hampshire Department of Education

Bureau of Student Wellness

101 Pleasant Street

Concord, New Hampshire 03301

Agencies worth considering include Hunter PR and Alison Brod PR.

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