Media monitoring service that allows Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport staff to track our brand and social media footprint and report analytics with ease. Service should include: at least three logins, search and view on the platform, at least 5 saved searches across all users with unlimited real-time notifications and exportable analytics charts by media. Content should be collected from U.S. TV networks and affiliates, U.S. Radio, online news, licensed print news, and various social media platforms.


The mission of the Procurement Office is to serve the public by modernizing procurement and contracting procedures, implementing a fair and transparent procurement process while engaging local businesses, and maximizing purchasing value by applying the best procurement practices.

Our team adheres to the National Institute for Public Procurement’s (NIGP) “Values and Guiding Principles of Public Procurement.”

  • Accountability – Taking ownership and being responsible to stakeholders for our actions
  • Ethics – Acting and conducting business with honesty and integrity
  • Impartiality – Unbiased decision-making and action
  • Professionalism – Upholding high standards of job performance and ethical behavior
  • Service – Obligation to assist stakeholders
  • Transparency – Easily accessible and understandable policies and procedures

Scope of Work:

Provide media monitoring services to track brand and review analytics.

1. Bid Forms. Bids are to be submitted on and in accordance with the City of New Orleans’ form provided, and must be signed by an authorized agent of the bidder. Bids submitted on other forms in other price formats may be rejected in part or in its entirety.

2. Interpretation of sourcing event/Bidder Inquiries. If a bidder is in doubt as to the meaning of any part or requirement of this sourcing event, the bidder must submit a written request for interpretation to the Buyer-of-Record designated above. No decision or actions shall be executed by any bidder as a result of oral discussion with any City employee or consultant. Any interpretation of the documents will be made by formal addendum only, issued by the Office of Procurement – Bureau of Purchasing.

3. Standards of Quality. Any product or service bid shall conform to all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, and the specifications contained in the sourcing event. Any manufacturer’s name, trade name, brand name, or catalog number used in the specification is for the purpose of describing the standard of quality, performance, and characteristics desired; and is not intended to limit or restrict competition. Bidder must specify the brand and model number of the product offered in its bid. Bids not specifying brand and model number shall be considered as offering the exact product specified in the sourcing event.

4. New Products/Warranty. All products bid for purchase must be new, never previously used, of the manufacturer’s current model and/or packaging, and of the best quality, as measured by acceptable trade standards. The manufacturer’s standard published warranty and provisions shall apply unless more stringent warranties are otherwise required by the City of New Orleans and specified in the sourcing event. In such cases, the bidder and/or manufacturer shall honor the specified warranty requirements, and bid prices shall include any premium costs of such coverage.

5. Descriptive Information. Bidders proposing an equivalent brand or model are to submit with the bid descriptive information (such as literature, technical data, illustrations, etc.) sufficient for the City of New Orleans to evaluate quality, suitability, and compliance with the specifications. Failure to submit descriptive information may cause bid to be rejected. If tem(s) bid do not fully comply with specifications, bidder must state in what respect item(s) deviate. Bidder’s failure to note exceptions in its bid will not relieve the bidder from supplying the actual products requested.

Due Date:

12/11/2019 By 5:00 PM CST


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