noodPR Feature Q & A: Toronto Based PR Agency

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Interview today with Stephanie Chong, the founder of noodPR, a Toronto-based agency for sustainable, ethical and socially-conscious brands. 

How did you get started in PR?

Ever since I was a teenager, I’ve always been addicted to reading human interest stories and flipping through glossy magazines to look at product roundups.  Back then, I never understood how people and products made it into the very publications I cherished but one day, while I was in a class in University, I realized it was something called “PR.” I did my due diligence and researched which post-grad program was the best and which agency I should work for upon graduation and made the appropriate moves to turn this vision into reality.

 What makes great PR?

There was always something about a good story that made me remember a particular person, event or product. Great PR is having a deep understanding of the human condition and having the ability to write succinctly.  I hold a bachelor’s degree in philosophy, where I studied the world’s most eccentric (and complicated) minds so it’s safe to say that this has helped me understand my clients’ goals, a journalist’s perspective and a reader’s attention span. To this very day, I still don’t read fiction because I believe the best, most compelling stories come from life lessons (and a good publicist)!    

When and how did noodPR begin? 

In 2020, after experiencing a quarter-life crisis, I concluded that what I thought I wanted, wasn’t what I actually wanted.  I was working in investor relations at a large fund and was on my way towards what society deems as conventional “success.”  The fancy office clothes, shiny skyscrapers, and endless meetings about having meetings didn’t mean anything to me anymore, because I was ridiculously unhappy. 

I knew I had to take a risk to pave my own path towards career freedom, and after a couple of iterations, I started noodPR – an agency committed to supporting sustainable, ethical and socially-conscious brands. 

What are you working on at the present moment?

We’re working on a 2nd PR campaign for a tech client whose work revolves around social issues, onboarding a sustainable beauty client for the fall, pivoting a pitch from last year for a cannabis client, and gearing up for several webinars – it’s been busy!    

What are three must-have tools, apps or products that are essential to your job?

First and foremost, I couldn’t function without my personal assistant, Janine.  She helps me with my day-to-day minutiae so I can focus on strategy and unlocking bigger wins. Essentially, she’s the boss of me and keeps me very organized. Some tools we rely on are Canva to create graphics, and Prowly to reach out to journalists around the world.

What makes an ideal client for your agency?

After a hiccup in the beginning stages of my business, I came to the conclusion that I will only work with brands and people I truly believe in.  Formerly, I was eager to take on any paying client, but now I can proudly say that our roster of clientele consists of people I’ve chosen to work with who have a unique story to tell. 

They’re inspirational, authentic and committed to sustainable development in some form.  My ideal clients are brands whose mission is to make a positive contribution to society and understands the long-term value PR adds to their sales and marketing strategy.  

What services does noodPR offer?

noodPR positions its clients to the forefront as an industry leader and trailblazer through strategic communications.  Our service offerings include Media Relations, Media Training, Influencer Relations, 360° Holistic Communications Strategy, Content Marketing + Strategy, Social Media Management and Strategic Partnerships.  We also do independent consulting for existing and past clientele.   

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