Northern Virginia Regional Commission Issues Social Marketing RFP

Meghalaya Information Technology Society (MITS) Issues Social Media RFP

Provide social marketing services to the NVCWP that support and expand public awareness of the regional stormwater education campaign over a 12 month period.

The Contractor will provide social marketing services to the NVCWP that support and expand public awareness of the Regional Stormwater Education Campaign over a 12- month period. These services may include the following tasks:

a. Develop Social Marketing Strategy:

1. Build upon the NVCWP’s current social media campaign to develop new strategies that will highlight the importance of maintaining clean water in Northern Virginia and behavior changes that the campaign’s target audiences can make to reduce stormwater runoff and improve water quality. The social media strategy should be implementable across the NVCWP’s current platforms (Facebook, Instagram/Threads, and X) and any other new platforms as seen fit (not including TikTok).

2. Participate in at least two virtual meetings over the year with NVRC and other members of the NVCWP to discuss ways that the social marketing strategy will be incorporated into the campaign and review campaign progress halfway through the year.

3. Develop a year-long social media content schedule to include at least two original content posts per week with relevant written messaging and graphics. Incorporation of other engaging social media tools, such as stories and reels, is also encouraged.

4. Develop an ad purchase strategy utilizing social media platforms, Google Ads, or other programmatic ads within a budget of approximately $2000 per month (included in $65,000 budget)

b. Implement Social Marketing Strategy:

1. Implement a campaign strategy (as developed in Task a) with posts and paid ads of approved content to the NVCWP social media and other platforms based on schedule from Task a.4.

2. Receive approval of all proposed ad content and spending from NVRC staff prior to purchasing any ad space.

1. Monitor and regularly report on advertising and social media platform metrics, such as post likes and engagements as well as new followers. Track related metrics, including website use over the Wix account, e.g., how visitors arrive at the website, pages that were visited, where visitors were located, and how long they stayed on the site. 3. Develop recommendations and report on ways to make the paid ads most effective based on testing and comparing performance (i.e., views, shares, likes, comments, etc.) of different ads during the campaign.

c. Develop and Distribute E-Newsletters

1. Update the NVCWP’s “Clean Water Pledge” to enhance engagement around pollution-reduction pledges and increase newsletter subscriptions. Develop specific follow-up emails or content for subscribers to receive based on pledge submissions.

2. Utilize the NVCWP’s current list of email subscribers to develop and distribute seasonally relevant, quarterly e-newsletters that share tips, resources, and local events or projects for residents to take action to reduce stormwater pollution.

3. Send a test email and receive approval for e-newsletters from NVRC staff prior to distribution.

d. Produce New Education and Outreach Materials

1. Develop informational materials that can be used for new engagement and partnership opportunities, e.g., uniform graphics that highlight how to take action against different types of pollution. These materials may include, but are not limited to, postcards, trifolds, or other resources that can be easily distributed at tabling events and to local community groups and businesses.

2. Share drafts of materials with NVRC and partners for review. Upon completion, share graphics files with NVRC/NVCWP to print (Note: printing/material purchase costs are not included in the budget).

3. Provide guidance for distribution of materials to relevant stakeholder groups, including businesses, community associations, HOAs, etc.

Due Date: March 21, 2025 5:00 PM

Contact: Linda M. Tenney 703-642-0700

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