NYC EDC We Source NYC Business Technical Assistance Program Request for Proposals (RFP)


Release Date:

June 25, 2024

Information Session:

July 17, 2024

Submission Deadline:

September 4, 2024

New YorkCity EconomicDevelopment

Corporation 1 Liberty Plaza, 14th Floor

New York, NY 10006


New York City Economic Development Corporation (“NYCEDC”) is pleased to invite eligible

entities (“Respondents”) to submit a proposal in response to this We Source NYC Business

Technical Assistance Program Request for Proposals (“RFP”).

Through this RFP, NYCEDC seeks to enter into an agreement with a consultant (the

“Consultant”) to operate a comprehensive business technical assistance and

communications program (the “Program”) to develop the capabilities of local small- and

medium-sized manufacturers, construction service providers, and industrial equipment

suppliers (“Local Suppliers”) to capture contract opportunities in regional OSW supply

chains, as further described in Section II Goals and Objectives and Section III Scope of


NYCEDC launched We Source NYC in 2023 to develop capacity among Local Suppliers to

fulfill industry demand for goods and services in the offshore wind (“OSW”) industry. We

Source NYC advances the goal of the City’s Green Economy Action Plan (“GEAP”) to

develop the local green economy to host 400,000 “green collar” jobs by 2040. In the GEAP,

the City of New York makes commitments across five categories including, building

decarbonization, renewable energy infrastructure development, low-carbon transportation

alternatives, climate innovation, and equitable economic development that will spur

private sector investment. We Source NYC responds to an important GEAP priority:

supporting transitioning businesses in green economy sectors.

The Consultant will, at minimum, be responsible for:

1. Developing and implementing an individualized business technical assistance

Program to increase the number of Local Suppliers in regional OSW supply chains;


2. Developing and implementing an accessible business-facing communications

initiative to increase awareness of OSW industry news and contracting

opportunities amongst Local Suppliers.

II. Goals and Objectives

The Program will support Local Suppliers in their efforts to capture contracting

opportunities in the growing OSW supply chain. The goals of the Program include:

• Goal 1: Increase the number NYC-based Local Suppliers that can successfully

secure contracts in the regional OSW supply chain

• Goal 2: Educate Local Suppliers about the OSW industry and increase their

awareness of consequential OSW industry news and contracting opportunities in

the regional OSW supply chain.

The objectives of the Program include:

• Create and deliver a technical assistance and communications program that

addresses barriers to entry to help Local Suppliers enter OSW supply chains

• Facilitate connections between Local Suppliers to major OSW procurement entities

(e.g. Tier 2-3 companies), international and domestic businesses, consulates and

foreign trade entities, and other relevant OSW supply chain entities as appropriate

• Assist Local Suppliers in teaming with value-added partners in the OSW supply

chain to respond to contracting opportunities in domestic OSW markets

• Create, launch, and manage an accessible business-facing communications

initiative to increase awareness of contracting opportunities in the regional OSW

supply chain for Local Suppliers. For example, this may include a web-based

community board or portal, a newsletter, and/or social media campaigns.

III. Scope of Work

The Program will include but is not limited to:

1. Provision of individualized technical assistance, which at minimum will take the

form of (1) individualized supply chain road maps (2) value proposition

documents and pitch training, (3) networking support and technical assistance

to foster partnerships (4) micro-grant provision to increase business

competitiveness (e.g. via enabling necessary industry or supplier certifications)

and (5) relevant tax incentive wayfinding services, focused on resources

available via the Inflation Reduction Act (“IRA“).

2. Developing and implementing an accessible business-facing communications

initiative that will distribute value-add information such as OSW industry news,

procurement notices (as informed by the Industry Network), and upcoming

events within the local and regional OSW supply chains.

In this section we describe specific services that the Consultant will deliver as part of this


Task 1: Project Plan and Communication Protocols

– 1.1 – Project Kick off: Consultant shall conduct a project kickoff within the first

week post-contract execution to align objectives and produce a Project Plan as

defined in Task 1.2.

– 1.2 – Project Plan: Consultant shall develop a project plan that includes key

activities, milestones, and timelines; key review points and decision makers; and an

agreed upon form and cadence for recurring status updates (the “Project Plan”)

– 1.3 – Status Updates: Consultant shall provide regular status updates per the  Project Plan.

Task 2: Strategy Development

The Consultant shall develop detailed implementation strategies for the communications

initiative and the individualized business assistance program into a document (the

“Strategy Document”) to be shared and presented to NYCEDC. NYCEDC will have final

approval authority over all aspects of the proposed strategies. All Program-related

collateral – business-facing informational materials associated with specific Program –

must adhere to NYCEDC guidelines and processes that will be shared with the Consultant

after contract award.

o 2.a – Outreach, Engagement, and Recruitment Strategy

▪ The Consultant shall identify firms from public and private databases (including

the We Source NYC survey data found in Appendix 1), subject to proposed

eligibility criteria to generate a list of businesses that may benefit from the


▪ The Consultant shall develop an outreach and recruitment plan to involve

eligible Local and M/WBE Suppliers in the Program. This plan shall, at minimum,

outline key outreach methodologies, networks and trusted messengers to be

utilized for outreach, and marketing and collateral needs.

o 2.b – We Source NYC Communications Initiative Strategy

▪ At minimum the Strategy Document should include details about the

communications initiative’s form, contents, design, and structure; the frequency

of communications (if applicable); proposed platform/vehicle for execution;

differentiating factors from other existing OSW supply chain related

communications initiatives; and a proposed workflow to incorporate

procurement opportunities from the Industry Network.

o 2.c – One-to-One Technical Assistance Strategy. The Consultant shall propose an

implementation strategy for the individualized business technical assistance services

for Program participants. This strategy must, at minimum, include an overview of the

proposed technical assistance services to be administered, their associated selection

criteria that will be used to determine eligibility of Local Suppliers for technical

assistance provision, and an overview of the associated client-facing materials to be

distributed to participating Local Suppliers. The technical assistance program must


▪ (1) OSW Supply Chain 101: The Strategy Document will outline the proposed

content, length, and delivery format of an OSW Supply Chain 101 course to the

technical assistance program. At minimum, the workshop and/or associated

collateral will include:

• An overview of the OSW industry, with market drivers, local and global

market outlook, fundamentals of OSW energy production, phases of

OSW development, supply chain structure – including roles of

government, developer, and contractors.

• OSW contract procurement processes and general contracting timelines;

• Information regarding all planned regional and local OSW developments

and summaries of typical scopes of work that are procured for each

project, if known;

• Industry standards (certifications, HSEQ requirements, bonding norms,

contracting structures, etc.);

• Business resources (engineering and innovation consultation & solutions,

green & advanced manufacturing programs, local, City & State business

support entities & programs, financial resources, etc.)

▪ (2) Individualized Business Support Services: The proposed 1:1 business support

services should be responsive to any existing and announced as forthcoming

regional OSW supply chain development program or initiatives, particularly

those administered by the New York State Research and Development Authority

(“NYSERDA”), and shall include, but not be limited to:

• (a) Individualized supply chain road map developed for each eligible

Local Supplier. These should at minimum answer the following questions:

o What part of the OSW supply chain is the Local Supplier best

positioned to capture contract opportunities based on the goods

or services the Local Supplier provides?

o What regional OSW projects and firms will procure the Local

Supplier’s goods or services, and when?

o How can a Local Supplier become an eligible and competitive firm

(e.g. by attaining HSEQ business certifications, skills training,

equipment etc.) and how much time and resources it will take to

advance these steps?

• (b) Value Proposition Document and Pitch Training: The Consultant shall

support businesses to develop a written value proposition document that

outlines core business competencies and provides coaching to them to

deliver verbal business “pitches” to be utilized at supplier forums,

networking events, and individual meetings with potential procurement


• (c) Networking support and technical assistance for partnerships: The

Consultant shall provide personalized introductions to the appropriate

supply chain entities for the purpose of advancing contract opportunities

and/or the potential for business partnerships. A suite of technical

assistance tools that can support participating Local Suppliers in

teaming to apply to solicitations and secure contracts should also be


• (d) Micro-grants for operational and business development costs: The

Respondent shall propose the specific type of expenses these

microgrants will cover in the Strategy Document and propose a maximum

micro-grant award amount per business. Costs could include the

acquisition of specific industry or supplier certifications, specialty

trainings, resources specific to entering the OSW supply chain,

manufacturing equipment, or conference registration fees. Additionally,

the Consultant is responsible for developing evaluation criteria and a

process (including any documents) for sourcing and selecting microgrant proposals. The Consultant is expected to lead all official

communications pertaining to micro-grant award processes to

applicants and selected firms in addition to administering the microgrants.

• (e) Tax incentive wayfinding services for Local Suppliers that may benefit

from tax incentives particularly those from the IRA.

o 2.d – Strategic Networking Events Strategy

▪ The Strategy Document will detail at minimum, the frequency and type of events,

proposed topics, proposed partner entities and/or speakers (if applicable).

These events could include larger public-facing events (e.g. supplier forums,

business to business matchmaking events, joint events with consulates and

OSW trade associations, etc.) and participant-facing events (e.g. OSW supply

chain speaker series).

o 2. e – Data Management and Reporting Strategy: The Consultant shall propose

metrics and processes for data collection, tracking, management, and analysis for

each program element to evaluate the Program’s impact.

▪ The Consultant will work with NYCEDC teams to review and confirm these

proposed metrics, collection methods and desired disaggregation timelines,

and milestones for data collection and analysis before they are codified in the

Strategy Document and utilized in Tasks 5 and 7.

▪ The Consultant shall also propose key milestones and/or timelines during and

upon conclusion of the Program when they are expected to present the collected

data to assess Program impact. At minimum, the awarded Consultant will

provide NYCEDC with quarterly updates on the progress of the Program.

Task 3: Implement We Source NYC Communications Initiative

– The Consultant shall execute a communications initiative upon NYCEDC approval

of the implementation strategy as agreed upon in Task 2 within 10 to 12 weeks of

contract execution.

Task 4: Outreach and recruitment

– 4.1 – Generate Business-facing outreach materials

o The Consultant will develop and/or maintain publicly accessible collateral,

including a Program webpage and a digital flier to market the program in

coordination with NYCEDC’s Marketing team.

4.3 – Execute the Outreach, Engagement, and Recruitment Strategy

o The Consultant shall execute the outreach and recruitment strategy

approved in Task 2. The Consultant will provide NYCEDC real-time updates

on a cadence to be mutually decided upon to assess progress on program

utilization and pivot methodologies if necessary.

Task 5: One-to-One Business Assistance – The Consultant will execute the following

services and related materials for one-to-one business assistance:

– 5.1 – Develop and administer Intake Application and/or Form(s) to select

program participants

▪ The Consultant shall develop an intake application and/or form(s) for

the 1:1 Business Assistance Program components, including the

workshop if needed, for potential Program participants.

▪ The Consultant will lead in the selection of applicants for the 1:1

business assistance services by reviewing applications and/or

interviewing businesses if necessary, as per an agreed upon

methodology and timeline in Task 2.

– 5.2 – Create and Deliver OSW Supply Chain Workshop

o 5.2.a – Introductory OSW Supply Chain Workshop Creation

▪ The Consultant will develop the workshop, including an

accompanying PowerPoint presentation and talking points.

▪ The Consultant shall develop at least one piece of collateral that

compliments the Workshop as approved in Task 2. The Consultant

shall develop both a digital and physical version of the collateral that

can be easily shared with participants.

o 5.2.b – Introductory OSW Supply Chain Workshop Delivery: The

Consultant will be responsible for the delivery of the OSW Supply Chain

Workshop to participants on an ongoing basis per Task 2. This includes

identifying and securing a physical classroom location equipped with the

appropriate technology or an online video conferencing platform to facilitate

the delivery of the workshop as necessary.

▪ The Consultant shall conduct NYCEDC-approved evaluation surveys

before and/or after the workshop program to collect feedback from

participants about the workshop and interest in other technical

assistance offered by the Program.

– 5.3 – Delivery of the required technical assistance services: The Consultant will

administer the required technical assistance services per Task 2c

5.4 – Delivery of any additional technical assistance services proposed by the

Consultant and approved by NYCEDC from Task 2

Task 6: Strategic Networking Events Production and Execution

– 6.1 – Finalize Strategic Networking event details

o The Consultant shall plan for and execute at least thirty strategic networking

events during the duration of the contract (See Section IV Program Duration

and NYCEDC Funding Contribution for more details).

– 6.2 – Event Collateral

o The Consultant will design and produce digital and print collateral required

for the events in partnership with NYCEDC’s Marketing team.

o The Consultant must have basic design skills and familiarity with graphic

design applications to create collateral required for the events. The

Consultant must have knowledge of handling graphics for production, such

as ensuring high resolution on graphics when printed and using correct file


– 6.3 – Event Promotion

o The Consultant shall execute the outreach and event promotion strategy as

approved by NYCEDC in Task 2. The Consultant will create and execute

additional outreach tactics for specific platforms (e.g. social media, news

outlets) or constituency type (e.g. hard to reach manufacturing businesses)

as deemed necessary by NYCEDC.

o In addition to the event promotion, the Consultant is expected to create and

manage event registration systems to track and manage RSVPs to all events

– 6.4 – Event production, management, and execution

o The Consultant is responsible for all tasks and logistics related to the

production, management, and execution of the events.

Task 7: Develop evaluation metrics and execute program evaluation

– 7.1 – Data Management and Reporting: The Consultant will implement the data

collection, management, and reporting strategies approved by NYCEDC in Task 2.

Additionally, the Consultant will manage and execute data entry processes to enter

eligible Program participant data into the NYSERDA OSW Supply Chain Database.

– 7.2 – One-to-One Business Assistance Log: The Consultant shall maintain a log of

all technical assistance services administered, including a description of the

assistance and the administering staff person, recipient, date and time. This log

must be kept current and submitted to NYCEDC as a backup for requisitions for


7.3 – Program Review:

o The Consultant will submit quarterly reports to NYCEDC on progress of

Program implementation.

o The Consultant will conduct and draft a robust program evaluation inclusive

of topics to be provided to the Consultant by NYCEDC after contract award.

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