O’Dwyer’s Public Relations: Helps PRs Market Themselves With New Business Council

Odwyer PR

Odwyer PR

This Thursday, O’Dwyer announced the launch of a new service called O’Dwyer PR’s New Business Council, that will help PR firms market themselves to prospective clients. The council also will teach PRs how to cope with the many issues facing them in today’s fast-changing environment.

“We will help PR firms gain visibility through listings on our website and directory and will also provide the latest thinking on a host of topics including client/firm relationships and soaring health insurance costs, to name some of them,” said publisher Jack O’Dwyer.

There is a $300 USD membership fee, which guarantees access to a number of tools and resources, including: a copy of the fortieth annual edition of O’Dwyer’s Directory of PR Firms, just published in late June, a $95 value (the 370-page directory lists 1,700 PR firms, including offices, executives, clients and contact info); one year access to odwyerpr.com, which offers daily coverage of PR and media news and more; one year subscription to O’Dwyer’s magazine, PR’s longest-running monthly (23 yrs.); and access to constantly updated files of Requests for Proposals (RFPs) by companies, local, state, federal, etc.

O’Dwyer’s new service is similar to The Council of PR Firms, that has a $2,500 minimum fee and the Counselors Academy of PR Society of America, which costs $225 in annual PRSA dues, $195 in Academy dues and initiation fees of $65 for PRSA and $85 for the Academy for a total of $570. At $300 membership fee O’Dwyer PR’s New Business Council is obviously a more appealing solution. Given O’Dwyer’s reputation and credentials, this time cheap doesn’t mean low quality.

For more information, read the following document (pdf) – which also contains an application form. Send files or questions to john@odwyerpr.com, melissa@odwyerpr.com or Jack O’Dwyer himself, at jack@odwyerpr.com

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