west green ohio university robert powell

Deadline (Bid Opening Date): June 6, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. eastern time


1.1 Overview

• Purpose – The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) is seeking consultants to assist sub-recipients and ODOT with marketing support.

• Objective – To provide the Office of Transit and sub-recipients with on-call support to improve branding and marketing materials, manage marketing campaigns, buy advertising, and general graphic design support. ODOT may also utilize this contract to assist with external materials for ODOT leadership, the Ohio legislature, and other key partners.

• Background – The ODOT Office of Transit works with 100+ transit agencies. Many of these agencies do not have in-house staff that can do graphic design or launch new marketing campaigns. These transit agencies are federally required to market their services. They are also required to communicate important information on civil rights and access for people with disabilities. ODOT requires rural transit agencies to have a website and a brochure to market their services. Redesigning these brochures will be a key part of this contract. Other work over the two-year period may include new rural transit agencies that will need assistance with their initial service launch and marketing campaign, event planning for ODOT-led transit conferences and events, marketing services for transit agencies that want to offer new services, marketing strategies, logo development, or buying advertisements such as radio ads, print ads, and social media ads.

• Bidding, Contract Type, Selection, and Cost –ODOT Office of Transit may select one or multiple vendors for this contract. ODOT will award an Indefinite Deliverable, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) task-based, cost reimbursement contract. The total contract amount is unknown, as each task will be autonomous. ODOT and the successful proposer(s) will negotiate the costs for each approved task, separate from and in addition to, all other approved tasks. However, under no circumstance will the unit costs for direct labor, the percent of allowances for overhead and general administration, or the net fee exceed the amounts or rates agreed upon prior to entering the contract. Contract(s) will run from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2025.

• Pre-bid meeting – There will be a virtual pre-bid meeting hosted via Teams on May 11, 2023 at

9:30 A.M – 10:00 A.M. Meeting link


2.1 Scope of Work

The successful firm(s), or team of firms, will be required to assist with the following tasks:

• Task #1: Contract Management. Manage the contract, including the budget, staff resources, progress reports, and invoices. Hold regular meetings with ODOT staff to review progress on tasks.

• Task #2: Marketing. Assist subrecipients with the following items: logo design, marketing campaigns, developing a marketing strategy, developing and buying advertising (print, radio, and social media), creating promotional and educational videos, hosting marketing events to launch new services or rebrand existing services. This work will include meetings with agencies (virtually), site visits to assist with events, graphic design, brand strategy, and buying advertisement. End products from this task will include new marketing strategies, new brochures, new fliers, new logos, advertisements, events, or promotional materials/giveaways to assist with marketing campaigns. Assist ODOT Office of Transit with developing polished handouts to tell our story and communicate our successes with external partners. Also assist with materials for ODOT-sponsored conferences and events.

2.2 Specifications of Deliverables – There will be multiple deliverables for task #2.

Task/Activity/Product Responsible Party Start Date End Date

1. Contract Management Consultant team, ODOT 7/1/23 6/30/25

2. Marketing Consultant team, ODOT, transit agencies 7/1/23 6/30/25


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