Ohio Department of Taxation Issues Public Relations RFP

The Department of Administrative Services (DAS), Office of Procurement Services, on behalf of the Department of Taxation (the Agency), is soliciting competitive sealed proposals (Proposals) for Promotional Campaign for a Tax Amnesty Program.


The Governor and General Assembly of Ohio, with passage of Amended Substitute House Bill 49 (Section 757.110 (B) effective July 1, 2017), authorized and directed the Tax Commissioner to offer and administer a Tax Amnesty Program. The Tax Amnesty Program is scheduled to run from January 1, 2018 through February 15, 2018. The Tax Amnesty Program offers an incentive to individuals and businesses with a tax liability, unknown to the agency, to disclose and pay that liability during the amnesty period.

The benefits of tax amnesty, from the State’s and the agency’s perspective, is extended to many associated parties and include:

  • Cost-effective collection of outstanding taxes: the agency avoids the labor-intensive effort associated with identifying, locating, billing, and collecting taxes from unknown delinquent taxpayers.
  • Additional revenue for state and local governments in a time of tight budgets.
  • Greater parity in the tax system(s) resulting from the enrollment of taxpayers who had not been paying ‘their fair share’.
  • Taxpayer education.

Scope of Work:

The State seeks a marketing arrangement whereby the Contractor will design and implement a promotional campaign.

This campaign will target potential 2018 Ohio Tax Amnesty Program participants who will include:

  • Small business owners (with an Ohio tax liability);
  • General population (individual taxpayers);
  • Trade groups or professional organizations (such as the Ohio Society of CPAs)
  • Tax professionals (including attorneys, accountants, accounting firms, etc.); and
  • Medium and large businesses (with Ohio tax liability).

Marketing Management Plan. The Contractor shall submit a marketing management plan to ensure that all advertising and marketing is acquired and presented in a manner that advances the State’s mission, maintains the usefulness and value of the State’s property and communication, and serves the public interest.

  1. The Contractor shall include all costs associated with advertising and marketing under the Contract. The Contractor shall submit its marketing management plan to the Agency for review and evaluation as part of the Proposal.
  2. The State reserves the right to approve, prior to production and distribution, all elements of any advertising, including appropriateness of advertisers, products and services advertised, and form, content and positioning. Advertising will not be allowed which is not consistent with good taste, or respect for persons, groups, or points of view. Products  and services advertised and the layout of advertisements will be related to, harmonious with, and consistent with the professionalism, integrity, mission, and responsibilities of the Agency.
  3. The Tax Commissioner or his designee shall have the right of refusal for any and all aspects of advertising, and no advertisement or marketing material shall be implemented without prior written approval from the Agency. Such approval will not be unreasonably withheld. The Tax Commissioner or his designee shall approve, disapprove or request additional information or discussion, within five (5) business days of receipt of the Contractor’s request for approval of an advertisement and/or proposed copy. No materials containing disapproved advertising will be included in the campaign, and any losses entailed thereby shall be at the sole expense of the Contractor.

Due Date:

August 28, 2017


Department of Administrative Services
Office of Procurement Services ATTN:  Bid Desk
4200 Surface Rd.
Columbus, OH 43228-1395

Fahlgren Mortine is a strong Ohio based PR firm.


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