Ohio Grape Industry Seeks Public Relations Firm

Ohio Grape Industry Seeks Public Relations Firm

Ohio Grape Industry Seeks Public Relations Firm


This is a Request for Competitive Sealed Proposals (RFP) under Section 125.071 of the Ohio Revised Code (ORC) and Section 123:5-1-08 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC). The Department of Administrative Services (DAS), Office of Procurement Services, on behalf of the Ohio Department of Agriculture (the Agency), is soliciting competitive sealed proposals (Proposals) for Ohio Grape Industries Enology Research Program and this RFP is the result of that request.


The Ohio Grape Industries Committee is a quasi state agency housed within the Ohio Department of Agriculture. The mission of the Ohio Grape Industries Committee (OGIC), as mandated by the General Assembly in 1981, is to create viable, income- producing grape enterprises in the State of Ohio by providing marketing and promotion efforts, research and extension to improve the quality of grape products and profitability of grape growing as an agri-business. Wines produced in Ohio are made from Ohio-grown grapes and outsourced grapes from around the world. Ohio produces wines from vitis vinifera, hybrid and labrusca grapes, as well as fruit and mead.

The Ohio grape and wine industry is comprised of more than 278 licensed wine manufacturers and 75 vineyards. This Ohio industry, ranked 6th in the country, has seen tremendous growth in the number of wineries and vineyards in the past five years with the industry, nearly doubling in the number of wineries since 2012. The rapid growth in the number of new wineries and vineyards has led to the establishment of many wine and grape enterprises with limited skills and experience in winemaking and grape growing. In order for Ohio’s grape and wine industry to remain competitive regionally, nationally and internationally, these limited skills need to be addressed by research, production and extension in the areas of enology and viticulture including entomology, plant pathology and weed science.

Scope of Work:

In November 2017, the Ohio Grape Industries Committee (OGIC) conducted a statewide survey to identify research and outreach priorities of the grape and wine industry. Survey responses can be found here.

A. Enology research focused on producing premium quality wine in Ohio:

  1. Identify the best fining/filtering process for improving wine stability in commercially-produced Ohio wines.
  2. Identify the ideal controlled temperatures for fermentation and storage of commercially-produced Ohio wines.
  3. Conduct chemical analysis of commercially-produced Ohio wines.
  4. Collaborate with viticulture research supplier to evaluate newly-released grape varieties and advanced selections for grape and wine quality in Ohio.

B. Communication and Outreach:

  1. Communication between industry and suppliers on topics and presenters for industry meetings, field days, and special events.

Communication to be achieved by supplier scheduling workshops covering various industry-driven topics and presenting themselves or finding suitable presenters for the specific topic. Supplier is responsible for securing workshop facilities.

  1. Communicate fundamental enology/winemaking knowledge and production principles and practices.
  2. Assist in dissemination of research findings through workshops, site visits, Ohio Grape and Wine Conference, wine forums, and winery consultations. Supplier is responsible for securing workshop facilities.
  3. In-state travel will be reimbursed up to Travel Allowance at the State’s per mile rate at that time which is set by Ohio’s Office of Budget and Management.

a) Travel above estimated amount it only permitted with prior approval from the Ohio Department of Agriculture and Ohio Department of Administrative Services.

b) Out of state travel will not be reimbursed.

C. Co-organize Ohio Grape and Wine Conference (OGWC) for 2019 and 2020:

  1. All indications and recommendations are that the OGWC should be an annual event. This is one of the longest running meetings of its kind in the country. The 2017 OGWC had the largest attendance of 250 wine makers and grape growers and 28 trade show exhibitors. The networking with other producers and education from experts from around the globe make this event extremely important to present new ideas and technologies to our wine producers.
  2. Supplier is required to assist in coordinating the OGWC including the technical agenda, selection and invitation of featured speakers, as well as presenting at conference.

D. Quarterly Reports:

Contractor will submit quarterly reports on research activities to OGIC. Reports are due by the 30th of the month following quarter end.

  1. Supplier will be required to collaborate with Ohio Grape Industries Enology Extension Program supplier in order to effectively share research findings via extension to grape growers and winemakers.
  2. All information collected and materials created in the scope of this contract becomes property of OGIC and can be disseminated to industry stakeholders or to other vendors working on projects related to this industry.

II. Deliverables:

A. Research:

  1. Conduct research as outlined above
  2. Report findings to OGIC and Enology Extension Program supplier

B. Reports:

  1. Research findings report
  2. Quarterly reports

C. Outreach:

Co-organization of Ohio Grape and Wine Conference

Due Date:

April 6th, 2018


Department of Administrative Services

Office of Procurement Services ATTN: Bid Desk

4200 Surface Rd.

Columbus, OH 43228-1395

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