Date of Issue: February 27, 2023

Opening Date and Time: March 29, 2023 no later than 3:00 PM 


OHA anticipates launching a multi-year, multi-million-dollar comprehensive marketing and advertising campaign, and aligned community engagement activities, to promote 988 and behavioral health crisis system awareness statewide. The successful Proposer should anticipate an initial Contract for Phase 1 not to exceed $100,000 to develop the comprehensive strategic communications and community engagement plan (including research, if needed) and an anticipated $1,000,000 for additional project Phases to implement, evaluate and maintain the full advertising and outreach campaign. Future state and federal funding to support the campaign is anticipated but not certain.

The Scope of this campaign includes Optional Phases for ongoing message development and testing, communications content development, media buying, and campaign implementation, evaluation and maintenance. Each Optional Phase would be negotiated, and the Contract would be amended to add the tasks, deliverables, and cost breakdown for the additional funding. Optional Phases must be agreed upon between the parties by written amendment, which must be fully executed by all parties before work begins.

Based on initial audience research and recommendations from the successful Proposer, OHA anticipates the need for various types of materials development throughout the lifespan of the campaign, including communications content and materials for web, digital toolkits, social media, other social marketing, as well as communications training and technical assistance for local public health authorities and Community Mental Health Programs, community-based organizations, providers and partners.

The successful Proposer will demonstrate innovation by showcasing past expertise on the leading edge of technology in the communications and social marketing industry; as well as having a focus on public health, social justice, racial equity or social change issues, movement building and working with diverse, multi-cultural communities.

OHA anticipates the need for various types of communications and social marketing services, based on the approved communications and outreach plan within Phase 1. If awarded a Contract, the Contractor shall perform tasks in any or all of the following functional areas for future Optional Phases of work on the 988 campaign.

2.4.1 Phase 1

Develop a strategic communications and community engagement plan to increase awareness around 988 and the behavioral health crisis system, especially among priority populations. The strategic communications and community engagement plan will be completed, approved, and accepted by OHA as a deliverable of the Contract before any Optional Phases will be considered.

2.4.2 Optional Phases

Following approval and acceptance of the Phase 1 strategic communications and community engagement plan, additional Phases for the 988-awareness campaign and other communications needs may be negotiated and amended into the Contract.

DAS Procurement Services, 

As mental health, suicide and other behavioral health issues are an ongoing public health crisis, and with future, national changes anticipated around 988, including resources from a soon-to-be-launched national public awareness campaign, this work could include, but is not limited to:

1. Develop and implement a comprehensive, multifaceted communications and marketing campaign that reaches all people in Oregon, including priority populations. This campaign will be based upon approval of the strategic communications and community engagement plan (Phase 1).

a. The marketing campaign must include:

i. An overall strategy (Phase 1), message development and development of campaign tools and materials.

ii. Development of an Oregon visual identity and brand that aligns with

national resources (https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/988/partnertoolkit/logo-branding)

iii. Utilize diverse advertising channels such as social media, outdoor, radio, and digital video, or others strategically determined to best reach targeted populations with available budget.

1. This could include local messenger identification and photography.

iv. Provide monthly reporting and data-driven campaign adjustments based on campaign performance, reach and engagement.

v. A formal process and structure (i.e., technical assistance network, community of practice, shared digital community, or other models) to ensure community-based organizations, counties, providers, advocates and other partners can provide feedback to and help disseminate the media campaign.

vi. This partnership communications and dissemination strategy should

include how to navigate relationships with:

1. 988 call centers

2. Community Mental Health Programs (CMHP) and Local Public Health Authorities (LPHA)

3. 911 Public Safety Answering Points

4. Tribes

5. Statewide behavioral health providers, including culturally specific providers

6. Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs) and commercial insurers

7. Other non-CMHP behavioral health and crisis programs, such as CAHOOTS in Eugene and/or Portland Street Response.

8. Other partners defined in the creation of the strategic communications and community engagement plan

vii. Provide Key Performance Indicators (as agreed upon within the scope of work) to demonstrate the success of the strategic communications and community engagement plan.

1. This may include, but is not limited to, measurements like social media impressions, website page views, campaign conversion rates, ad recall surveys, or other metrics.

b. Based on the approved strategic communications and community engagement plan (Phase 1) and potential audience research, the comprehensive marketing campaign might include, based on the strategic recommendations of the successful Proposer:

i. Development of a branded website, unique from OHA, for all 988

campaign materials and community-focused resources.

ii. Additional research, such as focus groups, in-depth interviews,

town hall meetings, community meetings, and message

development surveys, to ensure Oregon’s 988 communications

plan is culturally appropriate and meets the needs of diverse


iii. Create and provide collateral such as flyers, posters and social media cards to OHA, community partners and providers on request.

1. Note this could include social media content development in English and Spanish, at minimum, outside of content created through the campaign.

2. Future content requests may include, pending budget, content creation in additional languages based on key populations in Oregon.

iv. Develop or review key 988 and crisis response system messaging informed by research and OHA feedback.

2. As funding allows, the Contract may be amended to support OHA’s Health Systems Division with additional content development or communications support regarding 988 and the behavioral health crisis system upon request, including, but not limited to:

a. Rapid crisis communications strategy.

b. Media audits and social listening analysis, such as messaging research or recommendations on the terms community members use and understand.

c. Creating suites of communications materials. These materials may include, but are not limited to, talking points, public narratives, reports, charts, infographics, one-pagers, fact sheets, short information videos, etc.

d. Creating graphics and designing reports in coordination with campaign goals and values.

e. Webpage design and data visualization.

f. Strategic initiative websites, social media and communications.

g. Developing additional, targeted, equity-focused strategic communication plans and strategies to reach priority populations or solve additional messaging, misinformation or awareness challenges.

h. Develop community- and partner-friendly websites, social media and communications tools that incorporate partner engagement and user experience testing.

i. Develop plain language and culturally responsive materials (e.g., videos, fact sheets), in multiple languages at OHA’s request.

j. Provide graphic design and creative visual services for internal and external communications.

k. Communications support for community engagement

i. Partner and community outreach and engagement, including creating meeting agendas, presentation materials, developing town halls or community meetings, and culturally responsive facilitation.

ii. Work with communities to identify communications strengths and


iii. Co-create and trans create impactful 988 and behavioral health education and outreach materials, communications, and strategy with communities.

iv. Provide technical assistance and training on behavioral health communications.

v. Provide training and technical assistance related to plain language and ADA accessibility.

vi. Strategize the development of community partner coalitions, including outreach, technical assistance and process improvements to ensure communities have 988 and behavioral health resources to reach targeted  populations.

l. Policy communications

i. Develop and edit content to communicate the value of policy and budget investments.

ii. Develop content to support public trust in 988 and the behavioral health system.

m. Provide files for all materials developed for OHA in modifiable formats.

3. Contractor shall obtain and maintain for OHA all materials, including licenses, administrative rights, and historical documents related to the 988 multi-channel advertising campaign. Contractor shall, at the direction of OHA, assure seamless handover of Materials to a potential new Contractor in the future. 


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