Partnership for Haddonfield, Inc. Issues Public Relations RFP

The Partnership for Haddonfield, Inc. (PfH) Issues Public Relations RFP

The Partnership for Haddonfield, Inc. (PfH) Issues Public Relations RFP

PfH is soliciting proposals from experienced and qualified firms for professional public relations services. It wishes to enter into a formal relationship with a contractor that has a strong track record of securing media coverage for its clients, and has, or has reliable access to, the special expertise, facilities, equipment and/or other resources needed to create, produce, disseminate, and distribute publicity/communication materials for PfH.


The Partnership for Haddonfield, Inc. (PfH) is the non-profit management corporation for Haddonfield’s Business Improvement District. The ordinance creating the district was adopted in 2004 to encourage self-help and self-financing programs within the business community, enhance the commercial viability and attractiveness of the business district and promote growth and employment within the Borough. The Borough of Haddonfield is a 2.5 square-mile community of just under 12,000 residents, located in Camden County, New Jersey. PfH membership includes over 520 businesses, consisting of retail, restaurants, professional and service businesses. The mission of PfH is to provide leadership that produces the best downtown in the region, by creating and promoting a superior business mix and enhancing the image of Haddonfield in the marketplace.

PfH offers grant programs to attract distinctive retailers in targeted categories and fine dining restaurants, sponsors business networking events, maintains and promotes the DowntownHaddonfield website, actively markets the downtown, and organizes special events.

Scope of Work:


The overall key objective of the Public Relations firm is to position Haddonfield as the premier downtown shopping/dining and professional services destination in the Delaware Valley. The primary focus is to promote the Haddonfield Business District; the secondary focus is promoting PfH.

Haddonfield Business District:

  • Promote Haddonfield as the premier retail and downtown shopping/dining area in the Delaware Valley.
  • Promote Haddonfield’s dining options and restaurants as the way to taste something new in the Delaware Valley
  • Position Haddonfield as a beautiful, clean and safe downtown destination with a wide variety of shops/boutiques, family-fun events and restaurants
  • Pursue regional and national aware opportunities, and promote Haddonfield as an award-winning, world-class downtown destination
  • Position Haddonfield as an entertainment, shopping and dining destination by promoting the town’s events including, but not limited to, Girls’ Night Out, Sidewalk Sale Days, Haddonfield Uncorked, Small Business Saturday Weekend, Holiday Candlelight Shopping
  • Monitor media for opportunities to participate in editorial calendars, trends, upcoming features, gift guides, holiday guides
  • Take pictures at every major downtown event

Partnership for Haddonfield:

  • Garner positive media coverage of PfH activities
  • Expand the knowledge and understanding of PfH with the public generally and the residents of Haddonfield in particular
  • Publicize the successes of PfH which have occurred over the past 1-2 years
  • Explain the plans and goals of PfH for the future


PfH has a number of audiences that it needs to communicate with from time to time. Examples include:

  • Haddonfield residents
  • Shoppers within a IO mile radius of Haddonfield
  • Shoppers throughout the Delaware Valley
  • Visitors and tourists
  • Independent business owners in the Tri-state area
  • Local property owners (both resident and non-resident)


To get messages to these audiences, PfH uses a variety ofregional media. Examples include:

  • Local weekly newspapers such as the Haddonfield Sun, The Retrospect, What’s On, Philadelphia Weekly
  • Daily newspapers – Courier-Post, Philadelphia Inquirer
  • Local magazines – South Jersey Magazine, Philadelphia Magazine
  • Radio-KYWNews,FreelOI
  • Internet – DowntownHaddonfield website,


Examples of Public Relations tactics that have been or could be employed are:

  • News releases and pitches to local papers, regional magazines, and TV
  • Canned or bylined articles (by board members of PfH, Borough commissioners, business owners) written for the local media
  • Letters to the editor
  • Fact sheet on PfH (i.e. how we are helping to retain businesses through grant programs, etc.)
  • FAQs about PfH
  • Updates to website
  • Newsletter targeting resident


Examples of potential Public Relations messages could be:

  • Upcoming events
  • Downtown vitality during a recession
  • Business success stories
  • New initiative(s)
  • New businesses coming to town
  • Milestones (xx years of business operation, etc.)
  • “Partnership” – what it’s all about & successful strategies implemented

Information for these messages will be provided by PfH. The contractor will be expected to attend the monthly PfH board meetings that are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month from 8:15 a.m. Attendance at Marketing or other Committee meetings will be necessary at times.


November 30th, 2018.


Susan Hodges, Chair Partnership for Haddonfield

Borough Hall, Room 101

242 Kings Highway

East Haddonfield, NJ 08033

MWWPR and Coyne PR are based in New Jersey.

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