Public Relations Goals for a New Year

Public Relations Goals

Another year, and another decade, have come to a close and it’s high time you were thinking ahead. While most people make resolutions for the new year, this year should be different. Instead of making resolutions that will just get tossed aside in a few weeks, make plans.

More specifically, make plans for your public relations and social media. This is an area that many people fly by the seat of their pants in, but with proper planning you will find that it’s quite possible to see some very serious results. A great example is this site. It has grown to epic proportions in the past year and will continue to grow.

Public Relations Goals

Big Ideas

Making a PR plan with goals and sub-goals is a way of actually turning ideas into reality. You’ll need to plan out just what you want to achieve. Plan the big goals first . . . “have 10,000 followers on Twitter”, “hit the top 50,000 in Alexa”, “Be interviewed by”, etc. That’s what most people do when they make resolutions, but it’s not enough to stop there! Now you need to make those goals actionable.

Baby Steps

No one goes from 0 to thousands of Twitter followers overnight unless they’re a celebrity. You can’t expect instant gratification when it comes to goals. So, once you have some goals (no more than 3-5) for the year, take some time to sit down and consider how you can reach them. Even if you believe in “manifesting” things, you’re still going to need to actually take action.

For example, if you want to be interviewed by a certain publication or website, you could start by making sure your business is interview worthy, contacting the company and building a relationship with them, etc. These steps could be broken down even further into adding a blog and posting on a daily basis to your site, article marketing, etc.


Make sure you set specific deadlines for each baby step and even the final goal. The reason for this? We humans tend to procrastinate! We need set dates to finish things up, so make sure you give yourself deadlines. If you tend not to stick to deadlines you make for yourself, tell the world, post in a forum or get yourself an accountability partner to help you out.

By breaking down your big goals and making a full plan for your PR in the new year, this will be the best year yet.

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