DEADLINE: Friday, September 8, 2023 no later than 2:00 P.M. HST


The State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (SFCA) is soliciting proposals from qualified companies to provide Communications & Outreach services. Work on the scope shall commence upon the full execution of a contract between the successful CONTRACTOR and SFCA.

Under the supervision of, and in collaboration with the SFCA, the successful contractor shall provide the SFCA with the following services:

OBJECTIVE: Develop and implement a communications plan to concentrate on the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (SFCA) programs and activities including FESTPAC2024 at HiSAM, and find ways to publicize them either independently or in relation to the State Art Museum. There is requirement for metrics to show success in outreach efforts.

I. Main Messages

a. Culture and the arts are valuable to Hawaii’s economy and the educational achievement of Hawaii’s children.

b. Arts and culture must be nurtured and encouraged through continued funding and support.

c. SFCA, through itssupport of Hawaii artists, arts organizations and the HiSAM, makes art entertaining and educational for all people.

II. Communications Objectives and Possible Strategies

Objective 1: To increase understanding and support for the vital role of Hawaii culture and the arts to the economy, education, innovation, and the general well-being of the State.

Possible Strategies

a. Identify partnership opportunities to promote Hawaii’s artists.

b. Improve communications with policymakers and the community.

c. Leverage national studies on the value of the artsto inform and educate key audiences.

Objective II: To increase public awareness and appreciation of Hawaii’s rich artistic resources available through SFCA programs and HiSAM.

Possible Strategies

a. Provide specific guidelines, logo resources, and boilerplate recognition language for all

HSFCA-funded programs.

b. Create a unified look for SFCA public information material and Coordinate all communications efforts.

c. Increase Neighbor Island/underserved communities access to SFCA programming through communications strategy.

d. Create a publicity calendar to focus on SFCA programs and the value of culture and the arts to the economy, education, innovation, and the general wellbeing of the State; and to showcase SFCA’s major programs.


III. Communications Action Plan

Propose a Communications Action Plan which outlines specific tactics to be conducted, identifies possible resources, and sets a preferred timetable/calendar to achieve the stated goals.

Possible Publicity Calendar

a. Quarterly: One op-ed on the importance of arts and culture to the economy, education, innovation, and general well-being.

b. Monthly: At least one newspaper/magazine article on a major SFCA program or initiative emphasizing the critical role of the SFCA in supporting artists and arts education, providing access to underserved communities, and encouraging Native Hawaiian culture and arts.

c. Monthly and as necessary: Publicity on SFCA/HiSAM events and activitiesto place attention on SFCA programs and support for culture and the arts.


d. Monthly: Arrange for regular SFCA-sponsored “how-to” articles or TV stories featuring activities in newspapers, magazines, or television, with the goal of making art (via participatory art projects) available to the public.

e. Use a variety of media for each publicity subject. Approach newspaper, television, and radio for interviews.

f. Publish/include the above material on the SFCA website, E-News, and provide to key policy makers via email updates.

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