Public Relations RFP Issued By The Little Rock School District

North Little Rock Authority Issues Branding Services RFP

Close Date & Time: 9/21/2022 02:00:00 PM (CT)

The Little Rock School District invites your proposal to provide public relation and advertising services for a contract period estimated at SIX months.  The complete request for proposal is available online at  

SCOPE: The Little Rock School District is an urban district consisting of Five High Schools, Six Middle Schools, Two K-8, Five Early Childhood Centers, One Vocational Center, and 22 Elementary schools.    The purpose of this RFP is to solicit responses from qualified firms/persons to develop and coordinate public relations and advertising activities for the Little Rock School District (LRSD). The main goal of any resulting contract will be to promote LRSD’s brand and programs with the intent of student retention.  Any media campaign will promote ALL LRSD public schools and concentrate on areas of concern:  for example, students in elementary school leaving for charter schools; high school students leaving the District to attend nearby districts, etc.  The vendor and District will mutually agree upon measurable objectives and performance indicators to determine success of campaign.

Specifically, we seek a firm that will work closely with District staff and a diverse community to develop and implement a comprehensive media plan.  The successful media/marketing vendor will be charged with the following minimum scope of work requirements:

  1. Assess the media and public relations environment of LRSD’s diverse community.
  2. Aid the District in specific goal development and recommend the best strategies for reaching the target audiences including a timeline to launch and implement a media campaign;
  3. Provide oral and written reports, publications, and other materials for the LRSD School Board, administration, and its stakeholders. The successful firm will meet the media, marketing and public relation needs of LRSD in an efficient, coordinated, and integrated manner.
  4. Provide evidence to measure the success of the campaign. 

The District intends to award a mutually agreeable contract for services above contingent upon proposal review and district funding. Respondents should clearly define the best way to complete the scope of work above and be expected to:

Cooperate fully with designated personnel from LRSD, as appropriate, during the course of the media contract. The contractor will work with the program designees in the selection of pre-produced media and the development of new media, pre-testing, production, placement and evaluation of media components.

Contact Information:

Name: Mr. Darral Paradis Director of Procurement and Ma

Address    : 1800 East 6th Street

Little Rock, AR 72202 USA

Phone: 1 (501) 4472262  


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