Public Relations Tips in the Digital Era

These days, it’s no longer possible for companies to have their marketing and public relations teams or departments working in a silo, as they both have to work together to help the business achieve the best possible results.

Department coordination

Many companies are looking for ways to better coordinate these different departments so that they’ll be able to synchronize their promotional efforts and campaigns. Not only that but having everything be in sync means that the company will generate a bigger and stronger impact on the target audience with its promotional efforts, when they’re all done in unison at the right time, which also makes it a very cost-effective effort for businesses. Public relations efforts on their own can’t achieve the results that companies these days are looking for, which is why they need to be coordinated with other promotional efforts from the marketing and even sales and advertising departments. Companies can further amplify the results they are able to generate from their public relations campaigns when they include them in stronger social media and content strategies, as everything will be aimed at getting the right messages to the target audience on the right platforms, and at the right time. In the past, this wasn’t the way that companies could operate, however, these days, public relations tend to have many different touchpoints with plenty of other departments within a company including social media, marketing, and content strategies, and all of them require companies to be careful with their timing and promotional efforts, as part of their overall strategic communication. By allowing all of these different departments to collaborate, companies will successfully generate much better results from each one of them.

Consumer habits

With the newer generations of consumers, many companies have noted an increase in smartphone use on a daily basis, especially considering the fact that over 90% of younger consumers tend to own a smartphone. In fact, according to research, younger generations of consumers tend to spend at least 5 hours a day on their smartphones, and on average, aren’t able to go without checking their phones for more than half an hour. Companies that are trying to target these younger generations of consumers have to figure out new and different ways to reach them in the first place because these are generations that grew up with a lot of the advanced technology we have today, as well as the internet. That means companies have to conduct audience research specifically into these younger generations of consumers to get a better understanding of their pain points, interests, habits, passions, and trends, as well as the way that they communicate with each other and with businesses that they choose to interact with. And on top of all of that, companies still have to remain authentic in the way that they connect with and communicate with these groups of consumers because this group of consumers has a unique ability to quickly discern if and when someone isn’t being authentic with them.

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