Having won three awards at the 2018 Bell Ringer awards ceremony in New England, Racepoint Global successfully cemented its position as a leading PR and communications agency. By leveraging unique and creative strategies and state-of-the-art tools, the PR firm has been able to achieve meaningful results for its clients.
Defined by its intelligence-driven approach, Larry Weber’s firm delivers a new form of accountability that’s based on the agency’s ability to understand its clients’ customers, their consumption trends, and psychology. Thanks to the company’s proprietary technology, the company provides exceptional capability in identifying worthwhile influencers and targeting them visually, emotionally and verbally.
Armed with technology, the Weber-led agency offers precision-marketing, PR and advertising services that communicate with the right people at the most appropriate time. While this unique approach has earned the company clients from technology, life sciences, healthcare, public policy, public affairs and consumer industries, one question lingers: What’s the fuel skyrocketing Racepoint Global’s progress? We’ll answer the question.
Two pillars supporting Racepoint Global’s progress
Proprietary technology
Launched in April 2015, FieldFacts, an advanced PR and public affairs tool that helps identify and engage with influencers, has been a game changer. Combining human intelligence and technology, the proprietary technology helps Weber’s firm pinpoint opinion leaders that have the highest influence on a client’s issue orientation or brand perception.
While serving as a database for stakeholders and opinion leaders, and as an approach to reach and influence individuals in the database, FieldFacts offers tailored experiences by identifying and measuring the reach and impact of each opinion leader. The latter is accomplished by evaluating their effectiveness on social, print and broadcast channels. Through the intelligence-based approach, Racepoint Group’s clients receive highly customized marketing, thus improving their campaign’s ROI.
At the same time, the proprietary technology fills the knowledge gap by breaking down reports to assist marketing managers in assessing how their teams are connecting with influencers and consumers to help build the brand.
Highly-qualified team
Whilst technology is important in advancing the company’s edge in the PR space, a highly talented and experienced employee pool can’t be underrated. That said, Racepoint Global draws considerable business prowess from its exception team. Here are two of their top-ranking members and their outstanding qualifications.
Starting his marketing career shortly after personal computers were invented and a myriad of startups sprung up, Weber sought to educate the robust market about tech products that were hard to grasp. Over the years, Racepoint Global’s CEO has sharpened his prowess to become a leader in the PR space, who is passionate about the benefits that emerge when communications, the web and technology converge.
Authoring six books on technology, marketing, and business leadership, the CEO has cemented his position as an authority within the PR industry. To boot, his latest book, Authentic Marketing: How to Capture Hearts and Minds Through the Power of Purpose, highlights the importance of firms identifying and living their corporate purpose by enhancing the authenticity of their marketing approaches.
Bob Osmond, President at Racepoint Global
Appointed as Racepoint Global’s president in April 2020, Osmond brought a wealth of experience to the award-winning PR agency. Having served in top leadership positions at Access Brand Communications, Cohn & Wolfe (now BCW), Ketchum, and DGC, the newly-appointed president avails a wealth of knowledge in promoting a wide range of technology and consumer brands.