Rebuilding, Voice Search & Email Marketing

Many experts abound with predictions of what 2021 will look like – at Everything-PR, the leading public relations news site we had many experts tell us their thoughts.

“2021 is going to be 2020 in reverse. Everything that fell apart in 2020 will start the process of rebuilding. There will be more online activity than ever which will generate more data than ever. Fortunately, artificial intelligence and machine learning will become more sophisticated and more applications of their strengths to PR and marketing will emerge. These advanced tools will allow more value to be mined from all the new (and old) data. 2021 will be a continuation of the data revolution with PR and marketing realizing benefits,’ said Francesca Nicasio, Content marketer at Payment Depot.

“Digital marketers will want to pay close attention to voice search. The relevance will continue to rise with increased consumer adoption. Marketers should adjust for natural language in their content to be optimized for services like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant,” said Cody Murphy of

Janet Patterson, VP of Marketing Communications for Highway Title Loans says, “There is a prediction that the PR teams are expected to work in collaboration with the marketing teams in the future. The reason is that the customers are now aware of the traditional methods and strategies of marketing, so both the teams need to bring in new ways to attract customers. One of the suggested ways is that brands should present themselves more transparently and exhibit authentically. This has encouraged the PR and marketing teams to work on common goals.

Young and proactive workforce: With the sudden and rapid changes in the way businesses operate, PR also needs transformation. It is predicted that the PR teams will consist of the young and agile workforce who have the energy and will to put in more effort. This workforce will have a good understanding of the traditional strategies and will also be good with modern communication and media strategies and tools to compete in the fast-growing market.

Prediction about famous marketing trend: As 2021 is going to see multiple new and continuing marketing trends, one of the most prospective marketing trends and strategies is email marketing. With the number of email users increasing, businesses are adopting email marketing rapidly with personalized emails sent to customers for better engagement. It is predicted that about 4.48 billion people will be using emails by 2024. The popularity of email marketing is also attached to the fact that it has the most return on investment rate for small businesses.”

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