Regional Conservation Authority Western Riverside County Issues RFP For Media Relations Services

Regional Conservation Authority Western Riverside County Issues RFP For Media Relations Services

The Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority (RCA) is seeking proposals under this Request for Proposals (RFP) from a public relations agency to provide various services designed to improve public awareness of the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) and provide on-call media relations services.


The MSHCP is a “habitat conservation plan” (HCP) as set forth in the Federal Endangered Species Act. The MSHCP is a framework for the assembly and management of a 500,000 acre habitat reserve to protect 146 plant and animal species, of which 33 are listed as threatened or endangered. The MSHCP also qualifies as a Natural Communities Conservation Plan (NCCP) under California law. The MSHCP is one of the largest and the most comprehensive habitat conservation plans in the United States. The RCA is a joint powers authority established in 2004 to assemble, administer, operate, and maintain the reserve lands and facilities required under the MSHCP.

Scope of Work:

The following shall constitute the scope of services (Services). The successful Proposer must be able to:

  1. Establish a social media presence (Facebook, Twitter) that is easy to maintain by RCA IT team members as updates and changes are needed.
  2. In consultation with the RCA, develop a “Click to Donate” program for the RCA website and Facebook page to assist the RCA in securing donations for its habitat acquisition and conservation activities. Disclosures, indemnifications and various payment options should be included, as well as a comment box for donors to provide information regarding the purpose of their donation.
  3. Provide design suggestions regarding style and content for the RCA website update.
  4. Update the current boundary sign program to provide information to the public on allowed   uses on RCA reserve lands. Develop secondary signs that identify various habitat types and associated species. Sign size, type of construction, and method of installation shall be determined in consultation with RCA staff.
  5. Develop a MSHCP online tool kit for use by high school educators as curriculum, including habitat conservation background (Endangered Species Act, Habitat Conservation Plans, MSHCP development), interactive maps, in-depth habitat and species profiles, classroom activities and resources for lesson planning.
  6. Develop a MSHCP interactive PowerPoint presentation for elementary and middle school age children suitable for use by park reserve management biologists.
  7. Prepare, publish and distribute quarterly newsletters (print and electronic).
  8. Prepare, or update, and print one brochure.


Meetings and Presentations – The successful Proposer will provide time for the following meetings and presentations:

  • Kick-off meeting with RCA staff – 1 (approximately 1-2 hours)
  • Progress meetings with staff – up to 6 (approximately 1 hour per meeting)
  • Working session with staff to present and discuss the draft outreach program components
  • Presentation to the RCA Executive Committee – 1 (approximately 1 hour)
  • Presentation to the RCA Board of Directors – 1 (approximately 1 hour)

Products and Deliverables – The following products will be provided by the successful Proposer:

  • Draft outreach plan recommendations (social media campaign plan, website update), sign program, high school educators tool kit, elementary and middle school slide show, quarterly newsletter design and proposed content.

Due Date:

July 19th, 2018


Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority

3403 Tenth Street, Suite 320

Riverside, CA 92501

Strong California PR agencies include APCO Worldwide and Edelman PR.

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