Education Digital Agency

RFP Submission Due Date March 16, 2024 at 3:00 p.m.

Contact: via e-mail to Sri Krishnamurthy at

Web link:–/RFP_23C013001Teen_Distracted_Driving_Campaign.pdf


19. Indirect Costs:

No funding is provided for this cost category.

20. Program Income:

There will be no program income generated as a result of this agreement.

21. Timeline and Deliverables:

The Contractor shall develop a timeline and educational milestones, communicate, as needed, with COMR to review the project, provide periodic status reports, and develop a project plan for ongoing changes.

A. Start of Agreement TBD.

B. Develop and/or requisition education materials by July 31, 2024, for distribution at appropriate venues.

C. Services to be completed, submitted to and accepted by CHP on or before September 30, 2024.

D. Invoices all deliverables to be made on or before September 30, 2024.

22. Miscellaneous:

A. The vendor shall be responsible for all subcontracted work and shall require prior approval from COMR prior to work being performed. Each subcontracted item shall be itemized, clearly labeled as “subcontracted” on the monthly invoice, and the subcontractor’s original invoice shall be submitted as supporting documentation with vendor’s invoice. The Office of COMR shall, at any time, be permitted to request the vendor to obtain additional bids for all subcontracted work.

B. Shipping costs are not permitted and there is no budget allotted for these costs. All shipping-related costs must be incorporated into material costs.

C. The CHP reserves the right to do other work in connection with the project or adjacent thereto by contract or otherwise. The Contractor shall at all times conduct work so as to impose no hardship on the State, others engaged in the work, or to cause any unreasonable delay or hindrance. Where two or more entities (contractors, network consultants, CHP, etc.) are employed on related or adjacent work, each shall conduct operations in such a manner as not to cause delay or additional expense to the other or to the State.


(Standard Agreement)


Impact Teen Drivers has been the leading distracted driving education and prevention organization in California since 2008. ITD understands that teen distracted driving is a complex issue. Motor vehicle collisions have been the leading cause of serious injury and fatality for teens for decades. Distracted driving is not solely an issue of phone use. ITD’s educational programs and resources emphasize that a distraction is not a specific object, but the choice to engage in a behavior behind the wheel. ITD’s overall program is an integrated, multidimensional approach that reaches teens, parents/guardians, and other influencers of teens, including CHP PIOs, health professionals, and educators.

Teen culture is a moving target and staying relevant is paramount. Focus Groups are an important tool ITD uses to ensure that the programs and materials feel modern and are well-received by teens and other stakeholders. By continually evaluating our efforts through Pre and Post Event Surveys, we ensure our messaging remains effective in positively changing perception of behavior control, self-assessment of knowledge and skills, and behavior intentions. ITD maintains a database of survey data for analysis.

Surveys are validated, evidence-based instruments. ITD team members input survey data throughout the year for review periodically, and full analysis is completed on an annual basis. ITD curricula and surveys are anchored in a research-backed psychological theory, the Theory of Planned Behavior. Additionally, ITD’s messaging centers around positive community norming, which emphasizes the positive choices that teens, parents, and community members can make. Research indicates that gore, scare tactics, and fear appeals are not effective for long term change in actual behavior. Instead, ITD’s messaging connects on an emotional level and provides concrete strategies. ITD operates not solely from an “awareness” standpoint; ITD’s award-winning programs and materials work to change attitudes and behaviors with the goal of a sustained shift in the driving culture to one that is distraction-free.

Through years of coalition building, ITD has solid relationships with CHP Area Offices, school districts, youth agencies, health professionals, and other teen traffic safety stakeholders across the state. ITD California Education Outreach Coordinators schedule and facilitate School Presentations, Train the Trainer Workshops, and Community Events, meeting the requests and needs of communities and partners throughout California. ITD California Education Outreach Coordinators have clearly stated workplans and metrics that include dedicated outreach and education to serve all of California’s diverse population, including rural and urban areas, historically underserved communities, Spanish speaking audiences, and Title I schools serving low-income students and families. ITD California Education Outreach Coordinators are adept at providing relevant information to the community they are addressing at the time, which is vital to equitably serve a state as large and diverse as California. For example, within the evidence-based

What Do You Consider Lethal? teen program, a second Personal Story is thoughtfully chosen by the facilitator, one that will resonate with the participants. The Personal Story library includes stories from families of diverse backgrounds and from urban, suburban, and rural regions.


(Standard Agreement)


ITD has a longstanding relationship with a media group, who deeply understands ITD core messaging. The media group produces Videos/PSAs and Educational Videos, in addition to other creative materials for ITD. ITD meets regularly with our account manager to ensure that projects are moving forward in a timely manner. Educational Materials will be printed by a Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise, providing printed materials to CHP PIOs for community outreach and education.

Social Media assets and accounts are maintained internally by ITD staff, including development, design, posting, and platform engagement. Social media is provided as an added value service. ITD uses a strategic operations planning calendar for our education and outreach, media development and production, advertising, and educational materials planning.

A. School Presentations: ITD will schedule and facilitate a minimum of 175 presentations throughout the grant year. ITD team members will invite the local CHP PIO to join, if available.

B. Community Outreach Events/Presentations: ITD will schedule and participate in thirty (30) community events throughout the grant year. ITD team members will invite the local CHP PIO to join, if available.

C. Train the Trainer Events: ITD will schedule and facilitate eight presentations throughout the grant year. ITD team members will invite CHP PIOs to join trainings.

Each quarter’s training schedule will be provided to COMR.

D. Affected Family Workshops: ITD will schedule four affected family workshops in coordination with the affected family and CHP.

E. Educational Video, Planning, Development, and Production: ITD will plan, develop, and produce one educational video. Concept proposal will be issued to COMR prior to production, and the final product will be delivered no later than July 31, 2024.

F. Public Service Announcement and Video Production: Educational Video, Planning, Development, and Production: ITD will plan, develop, and produce four PSAs/videos. Concept proposals will be issued to COMR prior to production, and the final products will be delivered no later than July 31, 2024.

G. Program Evaluation/Social Norming Research Focus Groups: ITD will plan, facilitate, and report on six program evaluation/social norming research focus groups throughout the grant year.

H. Pre and Post Event Surveys: ITD will administer, input, and analyze pre and post event surveys, including online surveys. Final full analysis will be issued to COMR.

I. Public Relations Advertising: ITD will schedule and execute public relations advertising in coordination with CHP.

J. Education Kits and Materials: ITD will provide Educational Kits, Grant Boxes, and specific materials (tablecloths, banners and pull-ups, GDL brochures, and flash drives) on an as-needed basis to CHP PIOs, based on written/email requests. Copies of written/email requests shall be provided at each invoice.


(Standard Agreement)


ITD follows a strategic planning calendar for the education and outreach program, video development and production, focus group facilitation, survey management, public relations advertising, and educational kits and materials distribution.

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