Request for Proposals: Digital Marketing and Communications Consultants


Name: Address: Contact:

Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc.

6 Herndon Ave., Annapolis, MD 21403

Madeline  Farrell,  Communications  Operations Associate,

ISSUE DATE:       March 21, 2024

Due Date: We request that your proposal is delivered electronically to CBF staff member Madeline Farrell no  later than 5 p.m. on April 10, 2024.



(Brief Overview)

The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF), a 501(c)(3) charitable organization is working to save the

Chesapeake Bay and restore clean water to its rivers and streams.

The effort to save the Bay is one of this country’s oldest, most- studied, and politically robust

environmental restoration movements. Although the Bay is showing signs of recovery, there is still

far too much pollution reaching our waterways as our 2022 State of the Bay report shows. And

climate change and other challenges are making our job that much harder. The Chesapeake Bay

now stands at a decisive moment: The Bay will either continue to get healthier and more naturally

resilient or slide backward. How we respond right now will determine its fate.

For more than 50 years, CBF has been fighting to save the Bay. Now more than ever, we must

accelerate our efforts by expanding our reach, engaging new audiences, and reinvigorating current

supporters. To truly succeed in the next chapter of Bay-saving, we’re going to have to go beyond

conservation’s historically narrow lens. The Bay is more than its molecules and more than a piece

of water in Maryland and Virginia. It’s the more than the 18 million people who share its

watershed—from Cooperstown, New York to Norfolk, Virginia.


CBF’s Digital Marketing and Communications team is seeking the

expertise of a digital agency or other consultants to help us navigate an ever-changing digital

world and capitalize on opportunities to achieve the unique goals of a nonprofit environmental

organization. Specifically, we’re looking for partners to help reinvigorate our digital

fundraising, advocacy, acquisition, and engagement efforts. Given recent challenges across the

industry, we are looking for new solutions to build our list of engaged, qualified supporters and

inspire them to do more with us—volunteer, take advocacy action, give.


With a constant eye on industry trends and innovation, support

CBF’s Digital Marketing and Communications team with the following:

•  Developing and aiding in the implementation of a comprehensive and measurable digital media

strategy to:

o Increase online fundraising (in coordination with direct mail efforts where appropriate) with an

eye toward growing our sustainer program, acquiring new donors, and supporting other program


o Increase online engagement, particularly with regard to, to grow our supporter base and

better educate and prime them for priority asks;

o Enhance our online advocacy program, potentially using new tools to have greater impact;

o Identify, target, and recruit new, qualified supporters—donors, advocates, volunteers, and


o Thoughtfully expand our growing SMS program;

o Meaningfully grow and maintain the health of our data and email list.

•  Developing said strategy to include but not be limited to the creation, execution, and ongoing

management of the following components:

o Forecasting and objective setting.

o Tentpole campaign development, including determining what works, where we can find

efficiencies, and what we need to refresh with big, compelling ideas and tactics campaign-to-

campaign or year-to-year;

o Optimizations to existing automations and evergreen promotions (e.g. Welcome Email Series to

new users, Reengagement Email Series to reactivate lapsed users);

o Copywriting (emails, advertising, and web components as needed);

o Designing (when needed, adhering to CBF’s style guide and in collaboration with our Creative  Services Team);

o Channel optimization and testing;

o Measurement and reporting;

o Technical trainings when needed.

•  Paid Media Management and Optimization

•  Strong Project Management

o Provide ongoing consulting support in support of said digital strategy and other moments to make

the most of last-minute opportunities as they occur;

o Host weekly meetings to check in on current campaigns, paid media performance, and other efforts;

o Host longer debrief and planning meetings at mid- year and end-of-fiscal year, at minimum, to

present comprehensive reviews and recommendations to CBF stakeholders and executives;

o Follow-through on program recommendations and optimizations;

o Shared use of collaborative tools when possible (e.g., Microsoft Teams, Box, Asana)

•  Analytics and Reporting

o Establishing appropriate KPIs;

o Measuring, reporting, and analyzing said key metrics on a monthly basis (and more frequently

during active campaigns);

o Analysis of program performance against past campaigns as well as industry trends.

•  Program Optimizations

o SEO optimizations, when necessary;

o Testing—web, email, etc.;

o Evaluating CBF’s existing digital platforms, channels, and tools to provide recommendations

around optimization and identify whether changes in software are warranted. If so, providing

guidance on software alternatives and how best to go about migrations to new systems.

•  Technical Assistance, including but not limited to:

o GA4

o Blackbaud’s LCMS

o WordPress

o SMS tools like Mobile Commons

o Luminate Online expertise

o Salesforce NPSP

o Advocacy platforms such as Phone2Action

When submitting a bid, please break down costs and timeline.


We request that your proposal is delivered electronically to CBF staff member Madeline Farrell no

later than 5 p.m. on April 10, 2024.

CBF intends to make a selection no later than May 30, 2024. We will notify you once a decision for

award of the bid is made.

The initial contract will run July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 with

potential for annual extension up to a total period of 3 years.

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