Social media

Deadline for Submission: November 22


The District seeks a cost-effective approach for Social Media and Public relations services for community outreach and communications between the District and its customers. The following task list is a general preliminary Scope of Services to communicate the District’s expectations. Firms should identify any additional services required to meet District’s expectations, provide a price, and document the reasons for the additional services. It is at the District’s discretion which services are required.

1. Account Management

a. By phone or teleconference capabilities, participate in monthly strategy discussions with designated District contact(s).

b. Monitor local and national publications and online alerts for Valley Sanitary District stories.

c. Provide Spanish and other language translation services for targeted communication pieces.

d. Develop and manage a 12-month calendar for District communications and an execution plan.

e. Provide management and direction in implementing and maintaining a strategic communication plan by managing media relations for the Valley Sanitary District, keeping the public and the workforce informed, and engaging the public in special District, wastewater, and local government subject matters. 

f. Champion, manage and monitor the use of all forms of communication described below and other communication methods that are available or might become available in the future. Work with Staff to identify needed policy and procedure updates, seek approval, and implement updates. Monitor local and national publications and online alerts for stories about Valley Sanitary District.

g. Provide recommendations and strategies as deemed appropriate to enhance the District’s image, messaging, and brand identity.

• Provide crisis communication counsel as necessary. 

• Concept development, including quality graphic design. 

• Develop original copy (text), copywriting, and editing, including Spanish and other language marketing collateral. -11- RFP for Communications & Outreach Services

2. Community Outreach 

a. Develop a monthly digital news platform to educate and advise subscribers on District’s issues, meetings, events, programs, services, and projects.

b. Work with District partners and influencers to gather news about the District for distribution via social media, e-news platform, and the District website.

c. Develop news releases, media advisories, articles, website content, and fact sheet for District events, initiatives, projects, and services.

d. Provide community outreach to ensure public engagement related to District ongoing activities and objectives, including ongoing drought messaging, water quality reporting, graphic design, and media production.

e. Examine existing and upcoming programs and initiatives of the District and develop strategies for promoting efforts in the community

3. Public Relations 

a. Enhance the District’s social media outlets, including providing strategic support for communication projects, initiatives, and campaigns designed to advance the District’s vision, mission, image, and branding.

b. Develop public relations strategies to raise public and community awareness of the District’s upcoming events.

c. Create messaging to drive interaction and share relevant content by providing opportunities to interact with the programs and services. Draft and edit news releases and media advisories, and distribute designated media outlets upon direction and approval by the District’s General Manager, or designee. 

d. Develop public relations strategies to raise public and community awareness of the District’s matters upon direction and approval by the District’s General Manager and Board of Directors.

e. Continue to refine and develop new customer onboarding engagements via email messages and content about the District services, meetings, and service options.

f. Develop strategies for countering misinformation and misconceptions.

g. Tracking and responding to stories, events, and crises, in the media that may benefit the District from a response on behalf of the District, upon direction and approval by the District’s General Manager or designee.

4. Social Media 

a. Provide District staff with guidance on marketing best practices as a critical -12- RFP for Communications & Outreach Services source for social media content.

b. Identify appropriate imagery to aid social media posts’ work impact and reach.

c. Build messaging that can be used in various channels, including social media and paid traditional media, to target critical audiences through timely and relevant channels to drive awareness, create an emotional connection, educate on important actions, and drive traffic to the website. 

5. Monthly Reports 

Submit monthly reports to the District summarizing activities during the previous month before identified due date. Meet with the Community Engagement Committee as requested to discuss reports and deliverables. The Community Engagement Committee meets at 1:00 p.m. on the third Tuesday in January, March, May, July, September, and November.

6. Centennial Celebration Development and Programming In conjunction with District staff, develop a schedule of events and partnership opportunities surrounding the District’s centennial (March 2025) to educate the community about the history and growth of the District. Develop physical and digital branding and media to further this education effort. Identify opportunities that leverage the District Centennial to educate customers about current programs. The District has an outreach and education contract with the Coachella Valley History Museum and has designed and installed a display to educate the public about the history wastewater in the Coachella Valley. The Museum also includes information about the District in its tours and other events and social media posts. Assist staff with branding, marketing, and planning for a signature event on or around March 20, 2025. District staff has identified the timeframe of July 2024 through March 2025 for the celebration of the District’s Centennial. Staff is considering multiple events that would leverage community partnerships and/or other program developments in the Communications and Public Outreach work program, including: the launch of a District Centennial brand identity, the relaunch of an updated District website, the debut of one or a series of digital videos about District history on the District YouTube Channel. The Centennial programming should include a Signature Event on or around March 20, 2025, to be hosted at the Coachella Valley History Museum, that would be geared towards local VIPs, influencers, and both current and past District employees to provide a climax for the District’s Centennial celebration.

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