The Department of Communication, Reserve Bank of India, Central Office, Mumbai invites applications from advertising agencies for designing the creatives for its multi-media, multi-lingual, pan-India public awareness campaign. The campaign will be in 14 languages, viz., Hindi, Assamese, Bangla, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, and English with focus on regional languages. The media mix will include (i) traditional media, such as, newspapers, magazines, radio, television channels, OOH and cinema halls; and (ii) new media, such as, digital media including web portals. The list is illustrative and not exhaustive.

Scope of Work:

The Reserve Bank of India’s public awareness campaign will be full-fledged multi- media, multi-lingual, pan-India. The objective of the campaign is to create general awareness among citizens of India about the Reserve Bank regulations and other initiatives.

The main functions of the creative agency will be:

To create advertising content to successfully convey the desired messages to the target audience. This would include developing TV commercials, radio spots and print advertisements and adapting the approved designs and content in 14 languages for digital, outdoor and other media.

Making creative content would include:

  1. Preparing artworks and/or any other material and adapting them suitably(including translation), as required for advertisements in print, digital and other outdoor media in English, Hindi and 12 other regional languages as mentioned in para “B-Introduction, Purpose and Invitation” of this document.
  2. Conceptualising, designing, developing and producing TV commercials and radio spots(including translations) in English, Hindi and 12 other regional languages as mentioned in para “B-Introduction, Purpose and Invitation” of this document. This would mean undertaking script writing/developing story boards, shooting and undertaking other post production activities including editing, music, visual effects, 2D/3D animation, etc., as per the scripts approved by the Reserve Bank;
  3. Delivering finished products in adequate numbers including master tapes/DVD media, etc. in the timeframe and formats as required by various channels/ broadcasting agencies. The agency is expected to deliver to the Reserve Bank both, the final clean version of the audio/video as well as the entire footage, including the scenes/unmixed audios, videos, even if not included in the final version in all languages.
  4. For print advertisements, the agency would be expected to deliver advertisements in colour and/or black and white(as required) and translated content of each language in open files in MS word/RTF, PDF or any other format as required by the newspapers. In case the creatives involve shooting photographs, all the photos would be the property of the Reserve Bank and would be handed over to the Reserve Bank. The matter in regional languages should be in unicode font.
  5. The agency would have to deliver the creatives to the satisfaction of the Reserve Bank within the quoted price, even if they need multiple iterations. The Reserve Bank will not compromise on the script.
  6. Expected input: Around fifteen TV commercials, fifteen radio spots and fifteen print advertisements are expected to be developed each year. The Reserve Bank, however, reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of creatives at its discretion without assigning any reason. The Reserve Bank reserves the right to place an order with the selected agency for full or part quantities under any items of work under scope of work. In addition to giving the open files of print, TV, radio and all adaptations to the Reserve Bank, the selected agency will archive the creatives with them for minimum period of three years and produce them to the Reserve Bank of India whenever demanded.

Due Date:

December 17


Edelman Group and Burson Marsteller have a presence in India.

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