The International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) is seeking the services of an agency/professional to develop and host a new website for ICM. ICM has identified four areas/scopes of work: creative advice, web development, hosting and maintenance. As such, via this Request for Proposals, ICM is inviting proposals from competent web development professionals/organizations to submit proposals for consideration.
Deadline for Submission: Please submit your proposal specifying how your skills and experience match the needs of ICM as outlined in this RFP to admin@internationalmidwives.org no later than 18.00 CEST on Tuesday 5th July 2022.
Commencement Date: The targeted commencement date is 21st July 2022.
Location: Remote. Interactions with ICM staff and other relevant stakeholders are expected to take place virtually.
About ICM
The International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) supports, represents and works to strengthen professional associations of midwives throughout the world. There are currently 143 Members Associations (MAs), representing 124 countries across every continent and over 1 million midwives globally.
ICM’s day-to-day work is undertaken by a globally dispersed team (currently 22 staff members) based in Canada, UK, Zambia, Malawi, Uganda, Sweden and at its Head Office in The Hague, the Netherlands.
Background to the Assignment
ICM web presence is mainly through the ICM website and social media (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn
and Instagram). ICM website is outdated in appearance, structure, and functionality. One of our
strategic priorities is to drive Innovation and Sustainability for the future of midwifery and our website
is one of our channels to achieve that goal.
ICM’s current website has been developed and launched in 2018, it is available in the three ICM’s
official languages: English, French and Spanish. To date, however, the consistency and quality of
translation has been subpar.
The website is home to various elements of ICM, including:
• Organisation information (mission, membership, etc.)
• News, updates and events
• Midwifery resources, research, and guiding documents for the profession
The ICM website is a crucial hub for our organisation and for the midwifery profession. As an
international organisation with members and stakeholders all over the world, ICM has a wide audience
to serve with our website, including:
1. ICM Midwives’ Associations
2. Midwives
3. Women and women’s groups
4. Partners and funders
A webpage with closed access was created in 2020 to facilitate discussions before and during Council
meeting. Our new website should be interactive, sustainable (easy to manage on an on-going basis)
and engage with our target groups, while at the same time, increasing functionality and ease-of-use
for ICM members association. It should also carry ICM’s vision, mission, and strategy. Each target
audience member should understand and interactive with a clear call to action.
ICM will assume full responsibility for the written website content. ICM will provide privacy
statement – all aspects of the website must be compliant to data protection law (GDPR).
What is being commissioned through this Request for Proposal (RfP)
Through this RfP, ICM is seeking the services of an agency/professional to develop and host a new
website for ICM. ICM has identified four areas/scopes of work: creative consultation, web
development, hosting and maintenance.
• Creative consultation
o Updated look and feel
o Design aligned with ICM’s branding, mission, and vision
o Site architecture
o Engagement with different target groups, including clearly defined calls-to-action
• Web development
o Functionalities: closed, members-only section (community of practise, forum)
o Interactive map
o Langage options function (EN, FR, ES)
o Search function
o Sign-up/subscribe for latest news
o Social sharing feature
o Ameliorated blog function with keyword categorisation
o Hosting of external platforms (Learning Management System, virtual event microsites,
interactive toolkits)
o Use of Drupal or WordPress preferred
• Hosting
• Maintenance
o Unrestricted access to content management system
o Administrative and technical support, quality control
o Occasional CMS training provision
Key Deliverables:
• Create and develop a revised visual look where functionalities are enhanced to provide a better
• Information architecture and transfer
• Host on a functioning, secure and efficient platform
• Maintenance and ongoing support
• Site-wide integration of Google analytics
• SEO guidance
The budget for this project is $75,000.00 USD (tax inclusive).
To ensure a competitive bid from each potential vendor, ICM prefers a firm quote on the full website
redesign, development and hosting. Given that statement. If your agency prefers to provide a firm
quotation covering only certain phases of the project, ensure that each phase is fully and clearly
described and is denoted as a firm or budgetary quotation. At minimum, it is required that each vendor
provides a budgetary proposal for the full scope of the work described in this RFP. Please also adhere
to these requests when preparing your budget:
• Provide detailed pricing information for the proposed solution
• Include list prices and discounted prices
• Only include licenses as required for the different user roles (administrator, view only, etc.)
• Break pricing down by project phases if appropriate
Costs for RFP Response
Development-Costs for developing the response to this RFP are entirely the responsibility of the
proposing party and shall not be chargeable in any manner to ICM. All Vendors agree to provide all
such additional information as, and when, requested at their own expense. No vendor in supplying
such information shall be allowed to change the pricing or other cost quotations originally submitted.
Procurement procedure
ICM is using an open procurement procedure, meaning that any competent
consultant/professional/organisation may submit a proposal to ICM during the submission timeframe.
Indicative Timetable
Set out below is the proposed procurement timetable. This is intended as a guide only
Date Activity
21st June 2022 Request for Proposal circulated
5th July 2022 Deadline for receipt of proposals – 6pm CET
11th July 2022 Selection (applicants may be invited to provide further
information/clarification at this stage)
15th July 2022 Applicants notified of outcomes
18th July 2022 Contract Agreement in place
How to apply
Your entire proposal including all supporting documentation, which should be no longer than five A4
pages in length, should be emailed as a single document, to admin@internationalmidwives.org no
later than 18.00 CEST on Tuesday 5th July 2022.
Please include the title “Website development and hosting” in the subject line of your email
Please submit your proposal addressing the selection criteria listed on page 5 to ICM. If you have a
specific question not answered either above or in the Annex to this RfP, please email