Through the restoration of treaties, First Nation powers, laws, and jurisdictions we will develop sound and responsive traditional, social, economic and environmental infrastructures for the benefit of our children and communities. The Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN) is represented by 74 First Nations of Saskatchewan. The Federation is committed to honoring the Spirit and the intent of Inherent rights and Treaties as well as the promotion, protection, and implementation of Treaties that were made with the First Nations more than a century ago.
First Nations students have the Inherent and Treaty right to receive education that is in accordance with their culture, values, traditions, and languages and that is free of prejudice and discrimination. The quality and culturally appropriate education are a cornerstone to the preservation and vitality of First Nations societies and to the realization of other fundamental human rights of First Nations students. First Nations students require special measures in order to enjoy their right to education on a footing that provides opportunities for success in an education system that honors their Inherent and Treaty Right to education. This includes the right to adequate funding as determined by the First Nations that meets their specific needs and circumstances, and incorporates First Nations children’s cultural, linguistic, and geographical needs and historical realities. A strategy premised on the application of standard funding formulas, is not sufficient to ensure substantive equality in education for First Nations students.
First Nations students’ learning has always been at the forefront of First Nation education systems. The recent changes in the education funding model has further increased the discussion concerning the needs of First Nations students and the gaps created by the new funding model. The FSIN Education & Training Secretariat has had research done and held engagements with the First Nation community members, Elders, and Leadership across Saskatchewan from 2019-2021 and produced five reports to support the First Nations in Saskatchewan in the development of a new funding relationship with the federal government. The goal of this RFP is to ensure an efficient and effective communication strategy is in place to assist the FSIN and the development tables to support Saskatchewan First Nations on their own journey to attaining an education funding agreement that is reflective of the needs of their community.
The FSIN Education and Training Secretariat has been directed by the FSIN Chiefs-in-Assembly to assist the FSIN Chiefs Political Task Force on Education to work with First Nations in Saskatchewan on the development of an Inherent Rights and Treaty Rights-Based Funding Model for Lifelong learning that includes K to 12 education and post-secondary education. The focus of the Chief’s Political Task Force on Education will be on identifying education information, including gaps, capacity, and policy and governance issues, and on education funding levels, best practices, early years studies, and best practices relating to innovations for literacy, numeracy, student retention and parental and community engagement.
Scope of Work
- Establish a communication plan that includes the FSIN Education Team and other key stakeholders. Discuss and confirm the project scope, objectives and outcomes, methodology, approach, and quality control measures; Identify key staff that will be involved in the engagement; and confirm engagement timelines.
- Coordinating the desktop publishing and promotional video development to communicate the education funding model template and additional reports below.
- Inherent and Treaty Rights Funding Model Template
- 2020 Engagement Roll Up report
- 2021 Elder Engagement Roll up report
- 2020 MNP Education Research report
- 2021 MNP Education Costing report
- Facilitation guide for costing report
- Coordination and/or facilitation of webinars, micro-credentialling courses, and tool kit for the reports.
- Ensure that communications on the Funding Model Template align with the mission, vision, and values of the FSIN.
Closing Date
All proposals must be submitted by 12:00 PM on February 16, 2022. We thank all applicants for their interest. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Issuing Office: Education & Training Secretariat
Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN)
#10 – 134 Kahkewistahaw Crescent
Saskatoon, SK. S7R 0M9
January 19, 2022
Relevant agencies to consider for this assignment include Finn Partners and Kaplow PR.