Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority Seeks PR Agency

Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority Seeks PR Agency

Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority Seeks PR Agency

The Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority (Authority) (a.k.a. Salinas Valley Recycles (SVR)) seeks proposals from qualified consultants to provide professional, public relations      services and outreach materials for the Long-TermFacility Needs Project currently being studied under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and Environmental Impact Report (EIR) process. Public relations services will focus on completing the second phase of outreach and public engagement for the Long-Term Facility Needs project as it relates to the current Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives to, “Select and Implement Facilities (e.g. Salinas Area Materials Recovery Center) and Programs that Lead to Achievement of at Least 75% Waste Diversion” as approved by the Authority’s Board of Directors.

The Authority was formed in January 1997 to administer a solid waste management system and source reduction and recycling services for the Cities of Salinas, Gonzales, Soledad, Greenfield     and King City and the eastern unincorporated Monterey County. The Authority is an autonomous governmental organization controlled by a board of directors composed of representatives of each of the member cities and the unincorporated county areas. The Authority’s mission is to manage Salinas Valley solid waste as a resource, promoting sustainable, environmentally sound and cost-effective practices through an integrated system of waste reduction, reuse, recycling, innovative technology, customer service and education. The Authority is also responsible for the regulatory compliance of designated solid waste disposal   sites within its boundary, which includes the Lewis Road Landfill (closed), Crazy Horse Landfill (closed), Sun Street Transfer Station, Johnson Canyon Landfill, and Jolon Road Transfer Station and Landfill (closed). 

Scope of Work:

  • Consultant is requested to work with the Authority’s Project Management Team to develop public relations concepts and materials relating to the release of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and economic development and impact studies for the Long-Term Facility Needs project. Consultant shall develop an outreach plan, prepare and produce promotional materials in the most appropriate and effective format, and release through various communication outlets.
  • With the release of the Notice of Preparation, the Authority conducted the first phase of community outreach for the Long-Term Facility Needs Project by developing and producing a 4-page newspaper publication insert, community and stakeholder survey (electronic and hard copy), posted social media and website updates, and hosted five (5) Public Information meetings to engage the public in the project and process (the first phase community outreach materials are available on the website.
  • With assistance from Authority staff, Consultant would determine the appropriate customer base to target and design a second phase outreach plan to increase community participation in public meetings, survey responses, and public input on the project and
  • The Authority is in the process of conducting a Market Research Survey to better understand residents’ attitudes and priorities relating to waste reduction, recycling and solid waste services in the Salinas Valley and how residents consume media – both digital and traditional television, radio and print. The consultant should be prepared to utilize survey results and existing Authority publications, images, graphics, and resources to their best
  • Print media could include but not limited to, production of meeting information kits, direct- mailers (postcards) to attend public information meetings, .
  • Digital Media could include but not limited to, images, graphics, or videos for website and social media
  • Press releases and news
  • Public presentations to local community groups and organizations to increase participation in the Long-Term Facility Needs Project and awareness of the Authority and its facilities and services.
  • The estimated timeline for the completion of the scope of work is Dec 2017 – Dec 2018
  • For each element of the outreach plan, provide an estimate or quote prior to the onset of each project or assignment to include projected hours and all costs to complete project or assignment, timeline and how revisions will be handled for that specific
  • Provide Spanish translation services for each
  • Provide draft(s) and final proof of all projects or assignments for written approval by designated representative.
  • Provide two (2) copies of approved final proof of all projects or assignments to the designated representative electronically and one copy to the appropriate production house, in the digital format that is required for the project or
  • The Authority will provide project requirements (including recycled-content specifications) for print media and written content for each 

Due Date:

November 3rd


Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority

Attn: Erika J. Trujillo, Clerk of the Board

128 Sun Street, Suite 101, Salinas, CA 93902

Strong California PR firms include APCO Worldwide and Cohn & Wolfe.

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