Council of Scientific & Industrial Research Looking to Hire PR Firm

csir pr

csir pr

The Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, (CSIR) one of the largest publicly funded R&D organizations in the world is seeking a PR agency. It has a network of 38 laboratories and their field centers spread across the country. Its range of activities covers the entire spectrum of industrial R&D making it a truly global R&D resource with its partners hailing from over 50 countries.


1)            Long-Term Strategy

–          Selected  Agency  will  be  required  to  furnish  a long-term integrated strategy within the first 60 days of coming on board for both Public Relations Outreach and Digital Public Relations Outreach.

–          The long-term communication strategy will have to be redeveloped once a year and must be aimed: To increase the visibility and top of mind recall of CSIR and its constituents among its various stakeholders vis-à-vis industry, academia, counterparts in other ministries, Government & Public at large by way of an integrated    strategy    channelizing    all    CSIR   labs’ communication and employee participation to common objectives and enhance brand CSIR.

2)            Media Activities & Media

–          To maintain rapport with the press, electronic, digital Management and any other emerging media to ensure  coverage of CSIR as a whole

–          To disseminate information on national basis or locally in various media i.e. print, electronic and digital

–          Assist in managing one to one relationships of the management with all identified media professionals relevant to CSIR

–          To come out with thought-leadership articles written by CSIR members in various media – Traditional & Digital Media.

–          Assess  and  inform  need  and  suggest  Media for Advertising whenever required to support PR efforts of CSIR

–          To provide and maintain an updated list of media professionals important to CSIR

–          To plan and execute at least 2 mass campaigns in  a year

–          To conceptualize and execute  specialized campaign with stakeholder focus

3)            Media Monitoring & Crisis

–          To track traditional and digital publications and  submit reports  periodically  using   latest  monitoring   tools like Radin6/Meltwaters/Brandwatch or equivalent with dedicated dashboard and user ID for CSIR, along with suggestions

–          To prepare and submit a report on a daily basis covering news related to CSIR

–          To handle and bring to the notice of CSIR any coverage that is detrimental to the interest of CSIR

–          Prepare a proactive crisis communication and chalk  out the key message,

–          communication plan and  effective implementation of the plan for desired result

4)            Internal Communication

–          Assist   CSIR   in   identifying   internal  communication objectives

–          Create and manage a dedicated portal with engagement for employees supported by a    clear and effective mechanism for sharing of data by CSIR employees

5)            Media Training

–          To   provide   media   training   programs   to one key personnel per quarter.

–          To devise methods for better media communications.

–          To conduct management sensitization session on digital media at least twice in 6 months.

6)            Event Management

–          To help organize press conferences, launches, seminars, Business meets etc

7)            Digital PR Plan

–          Agency  to  provide  a  comprehensive  digital  PR plan within 60 days of coming on board with a proper strategy and scope of work to be executed within the cost and terms and conditions of the agreement

8)            Deputing professional staff

–          Agency  to  provide  two  PR  professionals  full-time at CSIR for ensuring effective communication  between the agency and CSIR and timely delivery of services

Proposal due on June 16 2016 to:

Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Anusandhan Bhavan, 2
Rafi Marg, New  Delhi-110001

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