Seasonal advertising


A lot of businesses capitalize on seasonal marketing opportunities. There are always new events that people are encouraged to celebrate. Holidays and cultural events do provide opportunities to boost sales for big and small businesses alike. Given below are a list of advantages of seasonal marketing.

1) Driving traffic – To acquire committed customers, a bridge is required between satisfaction and loyalty. Certain times of the year are ideal to tap into the audience’s emotions like love, pride and joy. To meet the most relevant needs at the right time can bring in more traffic. During seasonal holidays, purchases revolve around finding gifts. Some phrases that can be added to campaign content are , ‘Buy two, get one free’, ‘free shipping’ etc. Product gift bundles and gift cards are also good ideas to generate traffic.

2) Create immediacy- Despite the global pandemic, holiday sales  will remain unaffected with more and more consumers shopping online. Analyzing previous marketing strategies will help avoid making similar mistakes. Customer data is also valuable in this case. How has the purchase behavior of the customer base changed? What do they value? These key components will help to craft holiday messages that click. Make consumers not want to miss an opportunity, and feel that they should act immediately to avoid losing it. A seasonal campaign always comes with an expiry date, so customers should be made to feel they would miss the deal if they waited until after the season ends. A product or service should be promoted in such a way that it grabs the consumer’s attention with the idea that it is a limited-time offer.

3) Distinctive branding – When a business conducts campaigns around seasonal events, it shows the audience that they are able to produce and offer content that is relevant to customers during memorable moments. This leads to the perception in the audience that the business is flexible, creative, and understanding of them and their needs in an emotional way. Macy’s ‘In Dad’s shoes’ campaign demonstrated trust and genuine caring. In it a girl finds herself walking in her dad’s shoes. Everyone she meets behaves with her as if she is her dad. The girl realizes how hard her dad works, and stumbles across a gift idea for him: socks. The campaign displays how gift ideas can come from empathy. It produces a  deep, fertile ground where relationships with customers take root.

4) Implementation of campaigns- Identifying key events or holidays is important. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, back to school, New Year- these occasions should be utilized to make the best possible profit. People might like to spend on a Netflix package for grandparents during Christmas or buy a cocktail dress for parties, for instance. It would be helpful to build a relevant email list to guarantee more sales. Offering access to deals can act as an incentive for specific events. Offer early bird discounts or sneak previews. Building anticipation would also get customers excited about what is to come. With a spike in demand for season-specific products, it would be helpful to use testimonials from customers who have bought a season-specific product.

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