SEO tips for video content

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The success of online videos depends to a large extent on search engines. Customers use specific words and phrases in their searches and a considerable percentage of the views of a video are driven by search. Search engine optimization helps to make video content rank more highly in organic results. This is also affected by the relevancy of content technical configuration of the website and whether other popular websites link to the content of the video. It is possible to convince a search engine algorithm that the content of a video is relevant to a search query. Given below are some steps that can be taken to increase the chances of getting video content ranked.

Text content is important

Search engines crawl content surrounding a video and this includes more than the title, description, and tags. If a closed-caption manuscript for a video is provided, it will definitely help search engines to reach a video. Annotations can also be used with videos to refer to important texts. 

Build inbound links

When popular and relevant websites link to a video, it is more likely that the video rises in search rankings. Inbound links are an important device that help to garner better search engine rankings. They are seen as endorsements for content by search engines which favors links from popular sites and blogs. 

Focus on timing

When a video has timely content, it serves as a ‘link bait’ to popular social media platforms that are on the lookout for current videos on trending topics. Using timely content also helps to reach more customers. Events and product launches form great timely content. Exclusive material from events can be shared, such as sign-up forms and names of celebrities who are attending. Newsjacking can also be used to make content relevant for a brand. Promotions can only run for a finite amount of time. If giveaways are involved it also helps to generate a lot of interest and makes a video rank highly on search engines.


If a video is well viewed, top rated, commented on, and labeled as a favorite, it will be placed more highly on search engines. If a video remains posted for a longer time, it will have more time to rise. YouTubers have an advantage over the rest because their fan following moves them to the top of the most – viewed videos, and makes it relatively easy for a new audience to discover them. Some people request their friends and family to award their videos with a great rating, and comment on it. It has to be remembered that a few dozen known people are not as powerful as the thousands of fans who give their favorite YouTubers a five-star rating even before viewing the video in full.

Utilize thumbnails

A compelling thumbnail increases the chances that a person would click on a video. A thumbnail is a vital determinant of a video being seen. If a video addresses people’s needs, then they are more likely to engage with its content. Thumbnails should not look cluttered, they should be simple and informative. If thumbnails follow the same color scheme, they look coherent and attractive.

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