Setting up the Ideal Facebook Business Page

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Companies that want to be able to reach a lot more people – whether via Instagram or Facebook, will need to create a Facebook Business Page and create a consistent presence on the platform. With about 5 billion total monthly active users combined, these two platforms are used by just about everyone on the planet, and even if a company just wants to operate via Instagram, a Facebook Business Page is necessary to be able to create promotional campaigns on the platform. In any case, having a Facebook Business Page is beneficial, however, the complexity of the features that companies get to use on the platform has grown and increased alongside the platform. Fortunately, there is a relatively easy way for any business to create a great Facebook Business Page and reap all the benefits. 

Page creation

There are two options that companies can get when they’re trying to create a Business Page on Facebook – one that’s used by brands, and one that’s used by public figures. Both of these types of pages have their own sets of features, which means companies will have to choose the business options and then fill in the name of the page, which should simply be the name of the company, and its address. The company will also have to fill in the category, which is broadly the industry that the company operates in, and there’s no need to worry too much about the category because it’s quite easy to go back and change that information in the future. There is also the option to add a business phone number, as well as an option to hide the location from other users on the platform.

Visual assets

Once the company has filled in some of the basic information about it, it’s time to move on and work on the visual elements of the company. The first step here is to add a profile picture, which the platform has an automatic prompt for, and most companies tend to use their logo as the profile picture. This allows potential consumers to immediately differentiate the business from any others that they might come across, which is why businesses have to invest in getting or creating a great logo that will accurately represent them to their target audiences. Aside from the logo, companies will also have to add a cover photo for their page, which is one of the first things that users on the platform take note of when they visit the page. That means it’s essential for companies to choose an image or a video that will quickly demonstrate the brand personality and unique value proposition of the company to those visitors.

Key elements

Now that the business has its own page on Facebook, it’s important to keep track of some of the essential aspects of the page, including the publishing tools that the company can use to schedule and publish new content, as well as review the performance of past content, and the promotions, where companies can create, manage and track their advertising campaigns. There are also the notifications, which show a summary of all the interactions that the page has generated, and an inbox folder, where companies can communicate with others, including consumers on the platform.

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