Social Marketing Research and Plan for Prevention of Aquatic Invasive Species

Proposals must be received by the Division of Procurement Services by: Submission Deadline: February 19, 2024, no later than 11:59 p.m., local time.

State of Maine – Department of Environmental Protection

RFP# 202312246

Social Marketing Research and Plan for Prevention of Aquatic Invasive Species


A. Purpose and Background

The Maine Department of Environmental Protection (Department) is seeking social marketing

services as defined in this Request for Proposal (RFP) document. This document provides

instructions for submitting proposals, the procedure and criteria by which the awarded Bidder will

be selected, and the contractual terms which will govern the relationship between the State of

Maine (State) and the awarded Bidder. As defined in this Request for Proposal (RFP), the

Department is seeking a contractor grounded in Community Based Social Marketing to lead

behavior prioritization and barrier/benefit research, identify strategy recommendations, and

design a social marketing behavior change plan to increase awareness of aquatic invasive

species (AIS) and improve compliance and/or implementation of behaviors that will reduce the

spread of AIS.

Aquatic invasive species are introduced flora and fauna that displace native plant and animal

communities. Infestations result in habitat disruption, loss of property values, diminished water

quality, reduced fishing and water recreation opportunities, and significant expense for mitigating

these environmental costs. Infestations of AIS often originate with the transport of an AIS from

an infested water body to a clean water body through anthropogenic vectors including boats &

boat trailers, fishing/bait fishing equipment, waterfowl hunting equipment, and improper disposal

of water garden and aquarium organisms.

Maine’s inland waters are integral to residents’ and visitors’ quality of life and to the State’s

economy. These waters provide habitat for aquatic plants and animals. While some of Maine’s

waters have been negatively impacted by AIS, Maine still has much to protect. There are

currently thirty-eight Maine water bodies with a known infestation of aquatic invasive plants

(Interactive Map of Infestations). The Maine Legislature adopted legislation in 2000 to address

the threats posed by aquatic invasive species. (Laws pertaining to prevention of the spread of

aquatic invasive species)

The Maine DEP addresses aquatic invasive species – primarily plants – three ways: prevention,

early detection, and control. Current Maine efforts to reduce the spread of AIS include Courtesy

Boat Inspections (CBI), promoting “Clean, Drain, Dry”, and programs for early detection and

control to address infestations. These efforts depend on a partnership with various agencies

(including the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife) and organizations throughout

the state.

B. General Provisions

1. From the time the RFP is issued until award notification is made, all contact with the State

regarding the RFP must be made through the RFP Coordinator. No other person/ State

employee is empowered to make binding statements regarding the RFP. Violation of this

provision may lead to disqualification from the bidding process, at the State’s discretion.

2. Issuance of the RFP does not commit the Department to issue an award or to pay

expenses incurred by a Bidder in the preparation of a response to the RFP. This includes

attendance at personal interviews or other meetings and software or system

State of Maine RFP# 202312246

Rev. 8/18/2023


demonstrations, where applicable.

3. All proposals must adhere to the instructions and format requirements outlined in the RFP

and all written supplements and amendments (such as the Summary of Questions and

Answers), issued by the Department. Proposals are to follow the format and respond to

all questions and instructions specified below in the “Proposal Submission Requirements”

section of the RFP.

4. Bidders will take careful note that in evaluating a proposal submitted in response to the

RFP, the Department will consider materials provided in the proposal, information

obtained through interviews/presentations (if any), and internal Departmental information

of previous contract history with the Bidder (if any). The Department also reserves the

right to consider other reliable references and publicly available information in evaluating

a Bidder’s experience and capabilities.

5. The proposal must be signed by a person authorized to legally bind the Bidder and must

contain a statement that the proposal and the pricing contained therein will remain valid

and binding for a period of 180 days from the date and time of the bid opening.

6. The RFP and the awarded Bidder’s proposal, including all appendices or attachments, will

be the basis for the final contract, as determined by the Department.

7. Following announcement of an award decision, all submissions in response to this RFP

will be public records, available for public inspection pursuant to the State of Maine

Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) (1 M.R.S. § 401 et seq.).

8. The Department, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to recognize and waive minor

informalities and irregularities found in proposals received in response to the RFP.

9. All applicable laws, whether or not herein contained, are included by this reference. It is

the Bidder’s responsibility to determine the applicability and requirements of any such

laws and to abide by them.

C. Contract Term

The Department is seeking a cost-efficient proposal to provide services, as defined in the RFP,

for the anticipated contract period defined in the table below. Please note, the dates below are

estimated and may be adjusted, as necessary, in order to comply with all procedural

requirements associated with the RFP and the contracting process. The actual contract start

date will be established by a completed and approved contract.


Community Based Social Marketing methodology was used to create this scope.

A. PHASE ONE: Behavior Prioritization & Barrier/Benefit Research

B. PHASE TWO: Strategy Recommendations and Design

A. PHASE ONE: Behavior Prioritization & Barrier/Benefit Research

1. The awarded Bidder must outline the methodology they will use to complete tasks related to identifying and prioritizing sectors, audiences, and behaviors, including identifying barriers and benefits to one or more priority behaviors to reduce the spread of aquatic invasive species. 

Information from past DEP initiatives and research will be made available to the winning Bidder. a) Identify end-state, non-divisible behaviors that contribute to the behavior change outcome; (Behavior change outcome = “Clean, Drain, Dry”). b) Conduct research to assess and prioritize behavior(s) key to achievement of the behavior change outcome. c) Prioritize behaviors based on a quantitative analysis of their applicability, potential impact, existing levels of penetration, and probability of engagement. d) Conduct research to determine, relevant sectors (i.e. recreational lake users, lakefront residents, municipalities, etc.), the barriers/benefits to engaging in prioritized behavior(s). e) Identify audience segments based on identified barriers/benefits. f) Prioritize the identified barriers and benefits. g) Identify the target behavior(s) and associated target audience(s) with the greatest potential to achieve the desired behavior change outcome. h) Describe appropriate behavior change tools and how each will address the barriers/benefits; and, i) Develop a strategy table that ties each key research outcome to proposed strategy elements.

2. Phase One Deliverables: 

At completion of Phase One, the awarded Bidder must deliver a report which includes the following: a) A description of the methods used to identify key sectors and prioritize behaviors. State of Maine RFP# 202312246 Rev. 8/18/2023 8 b) A copy of any research tools employed (e.g., survey templates). c) A summary of key outcomes related to behavior prioritization. d) A description of the methods used to determine barriers/benefits to engaging in prioritized behavior(s). e) A strategy table for each target audience; and f) A summary of key outcomes related to barriers and benefits and proposed next steps.

B. PHASE TWO: Strategy Recommendations and Design 

1. Bidder must outline the methodology they will use to complete the following tasks related to strategy recommendations and design. Bidder should develop one or more behavior change interventions consisting of strategies designed to overcome target audience barriers to participate in desired behavior(s) such as “Clean, Drain, Dry”.

Strategy development should directly address the identified barriers/benefits and include appropriate tools for behavior change (e.g., commitment, social norms, prompts) as appropriate. Strategies should be designed to address the most important barriers and benefits for each audience identified in Phase 1.

a) Create strategy materials including any graphics, print materials, electronic media, promotional items, etc.

b) Identify key messages, materials, channels, and messengers.

c) Identify and describe metrics for evaluating the impact of the identified strategies.

d) Pre-test strategy elements through small field experiments or focus groups; and

e) If appropriate, gather stakeholder feedback on proposed behavior change strategies.

2. Phase Two Deliverables: 

At completion of Phase Two, awarded Bidder must deliver a report which includes the following: a) A marketing plan that clearly describes the key messages, materials, channels, and messengers for each strategy to be pilot tested. b) Copies of all materials including any graphics, print materials, electronic media, promotional items, etc. c) A description of the available metrics for evaluating the impact of the identified strategies State of Maine RFP# 202312246 Rev. 8/18/2023 9 (actual behavior change should be measured whenever possible, not just self-reported behavior change). d) A summary of focus group, stakeholder, or pre-pilot response to proposed behavior change strategies (plus a description of any strategy refinement prompted by this participant feedback); and e) A proposed plan for pilot testing one or more strategies.


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