South Africa Seeks Communications & Marketing Firm


A municipality in South Africa has issued an RFP seeking:

  1. Improve brand awareness of the municipality within the community in target markets and within the organisation
  2. Promote the brand of the municipality in order to attract investors, visitors and residents. The brand will be flexible to allow for application in marketing for business and tourism
  3. Improve and expand on communication as well as engagement with the public and internal audiences through improved tactics, messaging  and processes to:
  4. a)            Build community awareness
  5. b)            Improve customer service and accessibility
  6. c)            Maintain a high level of interest in municipal initiatives
  7. d)            Help foster broad-based community  support for municipal initiatives
  8. e)            Facilitate the flow of information sharing and engagement between various local and municipal audience
  9. f)             Improve issues of management and strategic communication


Senqu Municipality has identified a need for an effective, streamlined communications, marketing and events (CME) strategy as one of the key strategic priorities for the 2016-2022 term of office

In light of the above, Senqu Municipality is seeking proposals from experienced public relations consultants / agencies to assist with the development and implementation of an Integrated Communications, Marketing and Events Strategy that will address the strategic objectives of the 2016-2022 Council term of office. The appointed service provider will be required to build and maintain relationships with various stakeholders  including  the media and the public, create a positive image and reputation for the organisation that will allow Senqu Municipality’s communication  and marketing efforts to succeed.

The CME Strategy must provide guidance on how to improve communication and  engagement while recognising that Senqu Municipality has limited internal resources or expertise.

Scope of Work:

The appointed service provider is expected to provide resources and capacity with the required skills and experience to help Senqu Municipality to achieve its strategic objectives with the support  and approval of the Communications Unit:

  1. Develop a Corporate Identity Manual which will include a style guide with visual and graphic standards of using the logo as well as templates for common needs such as letterheads, webpage layout, report covers, brochures, business cards, newsletters etc.
  2. Review and analyse existing communication policies and practises related to internal and external communication, community engagement and media  relations.
  3. Develop  a  communications,  marketing  and  events  strategy  that  will  address  the audience needs, communication messaging and tactics.
  4. Develop an overall marketing plan that positions Senqu Municipality  as a destination of choice for business, tourists and investors.
  5. Recommend tactics to support effective community engagement.
  6. Recommend process changes to facilitate effective internal and external communication.

Due Date:

August 25, 2017.


Senqu Local Municipality
19 Murray St
Lady Grey, 9755 South Africa

Strong government PR firms include APCO Worldwide and Burson-Marsteller.

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