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The Minnesota State Lottery develops sponsorship agreements throughout the year with organizations, events, and sports teams to create excitement for lottery players, to interest new players and increase the visibility of lottery games. The Lottery encourages and continually seeks new sponsorship agreements to help achieve current Lottery marketing goals.

Proposal content: 

  1. Maximize Lottery Visibility – the events, sports or tie-in proposal should draw a large number of desired participants (typically 50,000 or more) whose demographics match the Lottery player profile. The Lottery is interested in effectively delivering its message of fun and entertainment to Minnesota adults with demographics skew primarily towards those age 25064, with a household income of $35,000 -$75,000, and having an educational background of some college or higher. The Lottery does not market to those under the age of 18, and family events with high levels of children present are generally not accepted. Attendance, on-site signage visibility and paid media exposure will be critical components that will be evaluated.
  1. Enhance Lottery Image – the event, sports, or tie-in proposal should inherently project the attitude that the Lottery is a fun and socially acceptable part of the community. The Lottery’s presence should fit well within the lineup of other sponsors. The Lottery is interested in creating opportunities whereby the sponsorship can translate into sales revenue, either via on-site sales from a Lottery booth, from sales-generating promotions with Lottery retailers or from joint programs with the sponsor’s media partners.
  1. Provide Promotional Extensions – the event, sports, or tie-in proposal should offer exciting, value-added ways to interact with our players and have opportunities to motivate attendees, listeners, and viewers to participate in and purchase Lottery games. The proposal must include proper staffing availability or other considerations to help the Lottery implement any appropriate promotional extension ideas.

DEADLINE: Proposals accepted on an ongoing basis.

Questions and Submissions: 

Minnesota State Lottery

2645 Long Lake Road

Roseville, MN 55113



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