How to Start a Career In Public Relations

How to Start a Career In Public Relations

How to Start a Career In Public Relations

Experts who have a penchant for relationship management and advertising could achieve incredible things in the world of public relations. However, like many specialist careers, getting the ideal role in communications and public relations requires some careful planning, strategic learning, and plenty of dedication.

Although earning the job of your dreams in the PR industry might seem a little daunting at first, the truth is that it all comes down to making sure that you get the right education and experience on the path to success. As a public relations expert, graduates will be responsible for bridging the gap between organizations and the public or customers they serve. As such, these professionals need to know everything there is to know about manipulating public opinion.

Here are a few steps aspiring PR managers can follow to make their employment dreams a reality.

Start with a Bachelor’s Degree

While higher education certifications like master’s degrees can make it easier for PR experts to get well-paid jobs, all a person really needs to start a career in the communications and public relations field is a bachelor’s degree in an appropriate discipline. While the most obvious choice might be to get a degree in public relations, there are also other competitive options available too.

Degrees in communications, marketing, and journalism can open the door to a public relations career. What’s more, for those who want to get involved in specific industries, degrees that are specific to a particular field can also be an appropriate choice. Most bachelor courses will include lessons on media writing, research methods, communications, and marketing.

Get Experience in The Field

The rising popularity of the media world means that PR and communications jobs are becoming increasingly more competitive. For a graduate to get ahead of their peers, they’ll need to make sure that they have something their competing applicants don’t. To impress future employers and find their own unique skills, many graduates start by getting work experience in various internships and apprenticeship roles.

Some bachelor’s degrees and higher-education courses actually require PR students to complete an internship before they graduate. This means that by the time the learner gets their certification, they already know which areas of PR they’re best suited to. Experience in the areas of journalism and marketing can also be helpful for those who are interested in PR and communications.

Look for Ways to Stand Out

Finally, if earning experience with internships isn’t enough to help a student stand out in today’s crowded talent pool, then they might consider looking for other ways that they can make themselves as employable as possible. For instance, extra training in marketing skills can be useful, or knowledge about public relations law and communication management.

Additionally, some students will pursue a voluntary certification as a public relations expert. The universal accreditation board currently offers an APR certificate, or “Accredited in Public Relations” award that’s specifically designed for public relations experts with more than five years of experience in their chosen role. While graduates won’t be able to apply for this certification straight away, it could be a good way to boost their resume as they progress in the field.

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