The Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health, Section of Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (CDPHP) is soliciting proposals to develop, create, place, and provide comprehensive, statewide public education campaigns that prevent and reduce chronic disease and injuries, prevent and reduce risk factors, as well as promote health. The successful offeror will continue and build on the strengths of ongoing Tobacco Prevention and Control (TPC) and Obesity Prevention and Control (OPCP) public education campaigns. As needed, the successful offeror also will build public education campaigns for the Section’s other programs that focus on prevention of injuries, falls, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
These campaigns will use a social marketing approach and media to raise awareness about health problems and positively change health behaviors. The successful offeror will work collaboratively with DHSS, other partners and contractors to develop, manage, and provide long-range strategy for these statewide public health education campaigns.
Within the Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (CDPHP) Section of the Division of Public Health (DPH), there are a subsection of programs related to heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, obesity, tobacco, school health and injury prevention. The Section also has staff that focuses on data, surveillance and evaluation. More information about the CDPHP Section can be found at its website, http://dhss.alaska.gov/dph/Chronic/Pages/default.aspx.
This solicitation seeks qualified offerors to provide comprehensive, statewide public education campaigns to support all of the CDPHP Programs. All of these campaigns will require partnerships with multiple programs and agencies in order to ensure the public health messages reach the most Alaskans to positively change knowledge, attitudes, intentions and health behaviors. The successful offeror will work collaboratively with the Department of Health and Social Services, other partners and contractors to develop, manage and provide long-range strategy for these statewide public health education campaigns.
Scope of Work:
The Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health, Section of Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (CDPHP) is soliciting proposals to create public education materials and media, place media and materials, and provide developed media products and public education technical assistance to grantees and partners. The successful offeror will work collaboratively to develop, implement and provide a long-range strategy for multiple comprehensive statewide public education campaigns to prevent and reduce chronic diseases, injuries and their related risk factors. The goal of these campaigns is to use the social marketing approach to positively change knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, intentions, behaviors and social norms regarding public health issues including tobacco, obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease and stroke, injuries and other issues related to health. The successful offeror will create public education materials and media for the State’s public education campaigns. The offeror will place and publish those materials and media using statewide television, radio, print, Internet/social media, out-of-home venues, earned media, events and/or specialty advertising media, and other approved communication channels. The offeror will provide developed media materials and public education technical assistance to grantees and partners, as needed.
Due Date:
February 12
PO Box 110650
Juneau, AK 99811-0650
Social media PR firms include Hunter PR and Ketchum PR.