State of Nevada Seeks Public Relations Agency of Record

State of Nevada Seeks Public Relations Agency of Record

The State of Nevada Purchasing Division, on behalf of the Division of Tourism, a Division of the Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs (NDTCA) is seeking an integrated marketing firm/vendor, or combination of discipline-related expert firms/vendors, to help it achieve its mission, vision and goals (as identified in the Department’s Strategic Plan).  The Division of Tourism is the State’s lead agency in driving tourism and cultural affairs marketing and programming. The Division of Tourism serves as the State’s travel trade and consumer-focused travel marketing organization to promote statewide visitation, resulting in an increase in revenue for Nevada’s communities. The Division of Tourism is funded entirely by lodging tax revenues, so driving overnight visitation is critical to the Division’s ability to continue to market the State and ensure long-term sustainability.

The Division of Tourism administers both sales and marketing efforts within a research- driven integrated marketing campaign.

It is public research-driven because Tourism’s guiding documents and initiatives demand both return on investment (ROI) and continual optimization within “Always On” media. Most importantly, the vendor(s) must thrive in a highly creative, energetic and collaborative partnership environment. The Division of Tourism’s current agency of record is Fahlgren Mortine.

Scope of Work:


The contracted vendor(s) will work with the Division of Tourism to review existing proprietary and industry research, conduct additional customer insights and research as needed and contribute to the overall Strategic Plan (the current plan is found at As a research-based marketing organization, the Division of Tourism conducts the following research studies:

  • Marketing Effectiveness – measures overall campaign effectiveness in driving tourism revenue to the State through the paid, owned and earned media channels. This is done in collaboration between Kantar/TNS and the contracted media buying agency.
  • Domestic Visitor Study – provides profiles of the domestic Nevada visitor.
  • Economic Impact – biannual research that measures the economic impact of tourism activities throughout the State.
  • Arrivalist Monitoring – Arrivalist provides a measurement platform which tracks the movements of a panel of mobile devices and the media that influenced their visitation to Nevada.
  • The plan should define overall strategic direction, set needle-moving goals, provide target audience insight, introduce evolving marketing techniques, define key performance indicators (KPIs) and detail campaign measurement metrics.


Management of the Division of Tourism account must be provided incorporating the highest level of transparency, ethics and collaboration with the staff and all external vendors associated with the marketing program. The Division of Tourism and its vendors will identify the appropriate approach to ensuring this environment is met, but at a minimum the agency must:

  • Conduct weekly account calls/meeting with the Division of Tourism staff, and monthly top-level strategic calls/meetings with agency account supervisor; and
  • Participate in all-agency strategic planning sessions.


  • The contracted creative team must be comprised of professionals able to demonstrate industry-defining creative for Nevada’s tourism and travel industry.
  • The Division of Tourism is seeking creative work that strikes at the heart of the target audiences’ emotional core and compels them to visit Nevada; and
  • The creative work must go beyond generating awareness to be a true sales tool that drives consumer trip-planning and purchase decisions.
  • The contracted creative team should possess the skills and vision to move the current brand campaign into the next evolution of the established Don’t Fence Me In execution.
  • The creative team should be able to innovatively communicate with a Millennial audience to build brand loyalty, without alienating Boomer and Gen X legacy audiences, identified as known return visitors to Nevada.
  • The creative team will be asked to develop campaigns that align with a multi-generational strategy and, based on the level of experience with this topic, may be required to undergo instructive sessions (at the agency’s cost) to assure solid generational strategy methodology is inherent in all campaigns;
  • The Division of Tourism will work in collaboration with the creative team to identify the needed creative production, but at a minimum, will require two (2) new television spots; a full digital creative treatment for each fiscal year and associated social media advertising.
  • The Division of Tourism also will need new videos for use on its website and as a sales promotional piece.
  • Creative concepts will be tested prior to production. The Division of Tourism will fund pre-campaign creative research and the marketing effectiveness and studies.
  • Any and all marketing creative developed including, but not limited to copy and tag lines, conceptual and final creative elements and working files, photography, illustrations, press materials, graphics, custom code for proprietary websites, passwords, logins, etc. prepared for the Division of Tourism will become the property of the State of Nevada and will be provided to the Division of Tourism in whole or in part either immediately upon concept approval and/or upon completion of the project for future usage.
  • The contracted vendor must secure all licensing, usage rights and intellectual property rights on the behalf of the State of Nevada so that all materials are delivered unencumbered to the Division of Tourism.
  • The contracted vendor(s) also will work in collaboration with the Division of Tourism to update a brand standards guide that accurately defines the brand’s practical uses, and a brand usage outline that explains to the agency’s stakeholders how to incorporate the brand in partner marketing outreach.
  • Creative materials must be provided in a native format including layered files with appropriate links.
  • Contracted vendor will assume all costs for transferring materials and files must come from the contracted vendor’s budget – no costs will be charged to the Division of Tourism or the Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs; and
  • Contracted vendor will assume all fees and expenses related to commercial production and purchase, location shooting, art, videography, photography, employing freelance personnel, talent session fees and long-term rights negotiations. Printing costs for collateral materials may be considered under a separate budget on a project-by-project basis.


The Division of Tourism is seeking visionary thinkers, not just media-buying software users. When approached creatively, media buying elevates a brand  and delivers campaign messaging and offers cost efficiencies, therefore the Division of Tourism is seeking media experts who look at trends, identify new channels and take risks to optimize results.

The Division of Tourism conducts a year-long “Always On” integrated marketing program, that can include multiple media recommendations and buys, based on the review of monthly performance reports.

Exact flights and channels will be determined by budget and campaign strategy. The Division of Tourism may incorporate a full range of media channels including:

Digital Advertising;

  • Paid Social Media;
  • Paid Search;
  • Broadcast;
  • Out of Home;
  • Streaming Video Advertising;
  • Paid Digital Content;
  • Event Sponsorships;
  • Strategic Partnerships;

The Division of Tourism will look to its media buying partner to identify strategies that ensure Nevada tourism is present at all consumer decision touchpoints.

A strong value-added program must be part of all buy activities.

The Media Buyer will work collaboratively with the Division of Tourism staff; as well as, all external vendors regarding the strategy and execution of each buy.

The Media Buyer will manage all value-added components of a media buy (e.g. contest expenses, including travel, legal considerations, logistics for a winner’s trip to Nevada), all fees related to securing and employing talent (holding, residual fees), music and intellectual property rights, and fees related to Search Engine Optimization/Search Engine Marketing(SEO/SEM) campaigns.


  • Through engagement with a variety of stakeholders and utilizing focused messaging, the Division of Tourism and its contracted vendor will maximize opportunities to raise awareness about Nevada as a compelling tourism and cultural destination aligning with national trends, identifying unique niche audiences and driving social conversations among high value customers.
  • The external communications team will be responsible for consumer, travel trade and stakeholder engagement through a variety of strategies, including, but not limited to:
  • The PR vendor will be responsible for generating media coverage in consumer, trade, traditional and online media outlets (priority outlets to be determined).
  • Collaborating on a social media/networking strategy and driving ongoing channel engagement.
  • The PR vendor will be responsible for enhancing awareness of the Division of Tourism’s programs within key industry, legislative and influencer stakeholder groups. The Division of Tourism has a robust Public Affairs Plan that will be updated on an annual basis. The PR vendor will be responsible for assisting with development and implementation of the plan.
  • The PR vendor will be responsible for managing the biannual Tourism Means More campaign, directed at legislators and stakeholders in conjunction with the legislative session.
  • The Division of Tourism seeks an agency that can present creative, innovative approaches to media and influencer outreach. It is incumbent upon the PR vendor to know what the latest tools and trends are and how to creatively adapt them to Nevada’s needs.
  • The PR vendor will be responsible for improving the Division of Tourism’s connection with media in key markets, including Nevada. In-state media outreach is important for myriad reasons and the PR vendor will need to demonstrate a strong knowledge of the Nevada media landscape.
  • The PR vendor will be assisting with the annual Discover Your Nevada campaign, directed at Nevada residents to drive in-state travel.
  • The PR vendor will be working in collaboration with the Division of Tourism in developing and producing familiarization tours with key media and influencers.
  • ROI is to be measured for each press trip and the awarded vendor will work with The Division of Tourism to determine this number. ROI should be a minimum of 15:1. The Division of Tourism wants to ensure the press is included on each trip will run stories based on the experiences had on the trip. The PR vendor will be responsible for monitoring for results of media tours and tracking ROI.
  • Producing media events in target markets to be determined by the Division of Tourism and the PR firm (all out-of-pocket costs for which will come from the external communications budget). These events should be innovative and effective, and it is the PR vendor’s responsibility to understand the target market and the methods that are most effective in that market.
  • The PR vendor will assist with the programming and the promotion of the annual Governor’s Global Tourism Summit.
  • The external communications program must align with the overall marketing strategy and integrate with all other sales and marketing components. The PR vendor must work closely with marketing and sales staff and vendors to create cohesive messaging. The PR vendor and Division of Tourism’s PR staff is responsible for driving brand awareness and must be able to apply proper messaging across all channels of marketing, public relations, consumer relations, and B2B efforts.
  • The Division of Tourism seeks ways to drive conversations on not only owned  social channels, but vertical social media channels used by people whose profiles resemble that of a Nevada traveler. The Division of Tourism will work with the marketing agency and research agencies to identify those channels and determine the approach.
  • The Division of Tourism will look to its vendor partner(s) to tenaciously monitor how Nevada tourism is being conveyed via traditional and social media channels and report on any significant positive or negative conversations/coverage.
  • The Division of Tourism includes social reporting as part of its campaign effectiveness study conducted by Kantar TNS. At present, this occurs on a monthly basis. The Division of Tourism also tracks social media, certainly those channels on which the Division of Tourism has a paid presence, throughout the campaign to monitor effectiveness.
  • The PR vendor must be highly knowledgeable of social media strategy, trends, and tactics and be a trustworthy resource for new social campaign ideas and tools. Social campaigns must align with other marketing and PR efforts. The PR vendor will be responsible for guiding and assisting with these campaigns.
  • The contracted vendor is responsible for all out-of-pocket expenses for agreed-upon program components; e.g. venue, food & beverage and logistics costs for in- market media missions, costs of press release distribution via wire services, media monitoring costs, speaker fees for the Governor’s Global Tourism Summit (estimated at $150,000 per year). The Division of Tourism works with all its partners in an attempt to secure comp and media rate lodging and complimentary admission to shows and attractions.


  • A priority for The Division of Tourism is to guide its interaction with current and potential visitors. Our objective is to use all our data collection touchpoints to continually refine our communication, exposing the consumer to trip-planning resources and ultimately collecting evidence that our marketing influenced their decision to visit the state.
  • The Division of Tourism needs to ensure the ongoing communications through its customer database are brand-centric, customized and as effective as possible. The vendor selected through this process will assess the existing email platform and messaging strategy, and provide a technical solution to produce and send emails that are more closely targeted to consumer interests. Proposing vendors should discuss the targeting capabilities of any best practices platforms that are recommended. Proposing vendors should give an example of how these capabilities have benefited other organizations, particularly DMOs or those in the travel and tourism industry.
  • Additionally, because the agency’s “customers” also include its stakeholders, we look to the vendor to assist with developing an outreach program that targets the needs of the Division of Tourism’s various stakeholder groups, including: the Nevada tourism industry, legislators, media, trade, etc.
  • Create a framework for greater customization within remarketing and digital advertising, as well as email communication efforts. Nevada Tourism does currently engage those who interact with its digital ad units and various owned channels in limited remarketing campaigns, but will enhance these efforts to offer greater engagement with each channel.
  • The website was redesigned in 2016 to create a trip-planning resource where users can be exposed to authentic Nevada stories that inspires their decision to visit. The Division of Tourism hopes to take this to the next level by offering users a far more customized experience that speaks directly to them as potential travelers. When a visitor “favorites” a point of interest, we will know, based on the activities and locations selected, what additional points of interest or offers will enhance their travel experience. Throughout communication with a potential visitor, the CRM program should be a guide, at every touchpoint, to booking travel through the website.
  • Create a vibrant retail environment within the digital outreach programs that includes coupons and offers (from tourism partners) delivered to consumers based on known preferences. Offers and coupons may be delivered via computer, tablet, and mobile devices.


  • Developing and enhancing the Division of Tourism’s websites and digital presence is critical to successfully marketing Nevada as a travel destination.
  • The Division of Tourism owns and manages
  • The contracted vendor will be responsible for providing guidance, direction, and design, in cooperation with the Division of Tourism’s marketing and IT staff.
  • The contracted vendor will be responsible for the development and maintenance of mobile applications in support of the organization’s mission.
  • The contracted vendor must have demonstrated expertise in current web technology and development, cross-platform mobile application design, and the ability to work within an open source development stack (Laravel), and a custom- developed content management system.
  • The contracted vendor must have experience in the development of integrated travel-related marketing campaigns for state or government agencies and must provide proven third- (3rd) party research results of its effectiveness including case studies that demonstrate the contracted vendor’s expertise in brand campaign development in the tourism industry.
  • Contracted vendor must be familiar with the use of third (3rd) party tags/pixels with respect to digital placed media.
  • Vendor must have a dedicated UX developer on staff, who will guide the online user-experience and keep apprised of industry trends.
  • The Division of Tourism seeks a firm that has experience developing advertising programs for Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) that represent not only urban destinations, but rural locations and/or a collective of destinations. Experience working with State government entities also is highly preferred.
  • Contracted vendor must be familiar with trends and insights related to creating innovative digital advertising, including interactive rich media units; and develop a much more customized remarketing approach that connects with potential customers on a more personal level based on the individual’s behavioral activity on all monitored digital assets.
  • The Division of Tourism’s website receives a total average of 160,000 visits per month, generating approximately 2,000,000 page views.
  • The Division of Tourism website is currently hosted on scalable servers through Rackspace, utilizing cloud database and storage instances;
  • The Division of Tourism has created an app that can be used as a traveler is traversing Nevada that offers information about the travel, retail, restaurant and cultural resources in the area. Ideally this will be expanded to include retail offers based on the location, and integrate fully with known site visitation behavior on
  • All approved software required to execute digital outreach, creative ad development (including use of third (3rd) party developers), development fees for general travel/wayfaring mobile app to include retail components of coupon delivery, development fees for rest area travel app (regional components of the general app).

Due Date:

February 28th, 2018


State of Nevada, Purchasing Division

515 E. Musser Street, Suite 300

Carson City, NV  89701

Strong candidates for this assignment could include 5WPR which was founded by Ronn Torossian or Hunter PR.

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