North Carolina, Pitt Community College Seeks Media Agency

State of North Carolina, Pitt Community College Seeks Media Agency of Record

State of North Carolina, Pitt Community College Seeks Media Agency of Record

The Pitt Community College Marketing Department and the PCC Foundation are seeking an advertising/media agency to serve as our agency of record for media and web purchasing and placement as well as creative development of TV and radio commercials. The purpose of this Request for Proposal is to develop a direct relationship with an agency that can assist the college in consolidating its media marketing and purchasing efforts and help extend our brand to various target audiences.

The short-term objective is to continue developing a brand campaign centered on our current “Accelerate Your Future” theme. Key elements will include opinion research for target markets, creation of broadcast, electronic media, and the internet. In the long term, the college desires to sustain a consistent brand image that supports the mission of the college to “educate and empower people for success.” The goal is to consolidate the college’s media advertising production and placement with one agency to simplify the coordination and billing process. The contracted agency will buy and place media for the resulting contract.


The college has worked to consolidate its limited media advertising and marketing efforts through one contractor. Budget constraints have severely limited the college’s ability to initiate or sustain a major advertising campaign and that situation is likely to continue for the immediate future. We would like to continue to take advantage of radio, TV, and digital opportunities that fit within our budget.

The college has worked to create an umbrella theme for marketing the college through advertising and called “Accelerate Your Future.” That theme will continue to drive our marketing creative for the next few years. That theme is used in institutional ads, publications, strategic plan documents, and student recruitment programs.

The college’s current “Accelerate Your Future” campaign is geared mostly to potential high school students/parents/guidance counselors and adults 25 years old+ within eastern NC but particularly in Pitt County. The college’s immediate intent is to further develop the “Accelerate Your Future” brand for the institution; maintaining a focus on student recruitment and institutional recognition is also a high priority.

Scope of Work:

The scope of this RFP encompasses research and marketing strategies and development of media advertising. Emphasis would be focused on student recruitment, college advancement, economic development, college programs, and foundation events and campaigns.

The target audience for this sustained advertising strategy is broad and diverse. It will include potential students, parents, alumni, civic and business leaders, and potential donors. The intent of the advertising and marketing efforts is to create awareness of the successes of PCC. The resulting action would be the attraction of quality students and faculty, support from alumni, friends and business, and an increase in financial support.

The selected firm shall be the agency of record for Pitt Community College and the PCC Foundation and will, under the resultant contract, work with the PCC Marketing Department and the PCC Foundation as central points of contact which will coordinate their activities.

At minimum, the successful agency shall perform the following services:

  • Make recommendations for and coordinate public opinion research
  • Assist the college in assessing its media advertising and marketing activities and purchase of advertising and marketing opportunities
  • Assist the college in creative development of media advertising
  • Assist the college in strategic communications planning in order to attain maximum public awareness of educational, research, program and public service activities
  • Participate in, at a minimum, monthly planning meetings to provide marketing consultation and strategic direction of the media advertising opportunities
  • Counsel and support for development of marketing plan
  • Creative, copywriting, graphic design, media planning, media buying and placement services for campaigns that deliver broadcast, cable television, radio, and Internet advertising
  • Special market research projects such as focus groups and concept testing
  • Monitor media purchases to verify correct messages and placements. Correct discrepancies as soon as possible and report to PCC Marketing Director.
  • Proposed purchases and ad placements should be reviewed and approved in advance with the PCC Marketing Director and/or Foundation Executive Director.

Due Date:

August 20th


Pitt Community College

Purchasing and Contracts Department

Attn: Jane Alligood

2064 Warren Drive

Winterville, NC 28590

Ruder Finn and Finn Partners have relevant experience.

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