State Of Idaho Division Of Purchasing RFP – Shiba Marketing Campaign





RFP # 599-0

RFP Issued: November 27, 2024

Questions Due: December 19, 2024

Proposal Due Date: January 7, 2025, at 7:00pm MT


Michael Piccono, Purchasing Officer

Division of Purchasing

650 W State Street, RM 100, Boise, ID 83720 208-332-1612

Proposal must be submitted electronically via IPRO: IPRO Login


1.1.           Purpose

The Division of Purchasing (DOP), on behalf of the Idaho Department of Insurance (DOI) is seeking a qualified vendor to design and implement a marketing strategy and awareness campaign including media spots for public education, direct mail postcards, program promotion and the development of media messages, materials, and content specifically targeting seniors and people with disabilities throughout Idaho.

1.2.           Background

The contract shall be funded with federal grant funds received by Idaho SHIBA from the Administration for Community Living (ACL). Idaho SHIBA is seeking to expand awareness of their program and services and targeting specific hard-to-reach groups and rural areas with messaging about program and services.

Senior Health Insurance Benefits Advisors (Idaho SHIBA), a section of the Idaho Department of Insurance, is Idaho’s State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Community Living (ACL). The program utilizes volunteers and partner organizations to provide free, unbiased Medicare benefits counseling, workshops, and information to beneficiaries and those who help them to empower Idahoans to make informed decisions about their Medicare choices.

Idaho SHIBA provides the following services:

  • Personalized Medicare benefits counseling – 140 certified counselors located throughout Idaho
  • Community outreach through public forums
  • Enrollment assistance for newly eligible Medicare beneficiaries – 320,000+ beneficiaries in Idaho
  • Community-based Medicare benefits workshops and webinars
  • Disseminating information on changes and topics of concern for Medicare beneficiaries
  • Medicare fraud information and reporting
  • Casework and complex problem-solving assistance.

SHIBA serves the general Medicare population and conducts targeted outreach for populations at risk or under-served due to race, cultural background, ethnicity, limited English proficiency, Medicare-Medicaid dual eligible for people with mental health disabilities, beneficiaries under 65 with disabilities, and individuals eligible for low-income subsidy prescription drug coverage.

SHIBA promotes awareness of provisions of federal legislation such as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), the Medicare Improvement for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA), and the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 as they affect Medicare issues like prevention and wellness benefits; changes to the Annual Open Enrollment Period (OEP); fraud prevention and awareness initiatives; and Durable, Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) competitive bidding. Idaho SHIBA has 10 full-time staff located in Boise, Coeur d’Alene and Pocatello. Partner organizations include senior centers, community clinics, Area Agencies on Aging, Disability Resource Centers, and others.


All sections of the Scope of Work are required contract services. Use this Proposal outline as part of your response to the RFP. Keep in mind, the evaluators will be scoring your Proposal based on the methodologies proposed and the completeness of the response to each item listed below. You must describe in detail how you will meet each requirement marked (M) or (ME) below. Include personnel, proposed timelines, methodologies, and any pertinent information that will be required from the Agency in order to achieve full compliance with all tasks and deliverables.

7.1.           Overview


Idaho SHIBA markets and promotes program services and Medicare initiatives as directed by the SHIP and MIPPA grants from ACL and is initiating this Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit applications from vendors interested in developing and executing a marketing strategy and awareness campaign with multiple foci. The selected vendor must work closely with Idaho SHIBA staff to develop and implement a statewide Media Plan.

The Contractor shall present creative ideas for proposed marketing campaigns and implementation. The focus of the campaigns must target Medicare beneficiaries, their families and caregivers, as well as community groups like nonprofits, insurance agents, hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, etc. within the state of Idaho. The Idaho SHIBA vision is to have a campaign that encourages people to contact SHIBA when they have Medicare related questions, are enrolling in Medicare or have family members who are. The Contractor must maintain and expand upon current marketing goals. The Contractor must evaluate current programs to determine future needs. The Contractor, with Idaho SHIBA’s input and approval, shall create a Media Plan that must be updated and maintained by the Contractor on a regular basis.

Advertisements and Internet shall play an increasingly important role in reaching consumers of all demographic profiles. The Contractor shall be responsible for placing Idaho SHIBA advertisements for all types of media including but not limited to: television, radio, and print as well as direct mail campaigns. The cost of media buying and placement shall be billed according to the billable rates in Attachment 5 Cost Proposal, printing and postage shall be reimbursed at cost and as specifically outlined in the PSO, if applicable. Idaho SHIBA puts an emphasis on driving consumers to its website to learn more about services and Medicare, as well as to the statewide 1-800 number. As baby boomers continue to join Medicare, more online presence will be crucial in reaching these beneficiaries. Improvements in awareness of the SHIBA program is vital to the program’s success.

7.2.            (ME) Goals

The Contractor must work in partnership with the Idaho SHIBA on the following project goals:

7.2.1.     Maximizing current funding and leveraging grant dollars to increase awareness of the Idaho SHIBA program and the number of people contacting the program for assistance.

7.2.2.     Utilizing the existing design framework to conduct marketing programs to promote use of Medicare preventive/wellness benefits, the Extra Help/MSP program, and the Part D prescription drug program according to the goals of the MIPPA grant with emphasis on rural and limited income beneficiaries.

Describe in detail how and when you will evaluate any media plans or campaigns for effectiveness. If possible, give examples of other projects where a campaign was evaluated for effectiveness and the evaluation was then used to modify the media plan.

7.3.           (ME) Growth Potential

Idaho SHIBA has current goals and priorities and is in need of a marketing campaign designed with potential to grow and adapt to changing circumstances and priorities.

Describe in detail how you approach creative development for strategies or products to allow for future growth while fully utilizing the existing design framework. If possible, give examples of other projects where a campaign was designed and then adapted to changing circumstances. Describe in detail how you re-evaluate marketing programs that you have implemented and how you determine the need for and the development of new ideas.

7.4.           (ME) Servicing Idaho Shiba Account


The Scope of Work requires significant coordination with the Idaho SHIBA. This will include:

7.4.1.     Setting up monthly meetings (in-person or virtual) with SHIBA Program Supervisor to provide updates on media plan activities completed and being worked on.

7.4.2.     Providing monthly progress reports that will include status of all media plan activities, success and reach of completed and ongoing activities.

7.4.3.     Sending in itemized monthly invoices to SHIBA Program Supervisor.

Describe in detail how you will make yourself available to work with Idaho SHIBA

7.5.           (ME) Working With Current Design


Idaho SHIBA currently has a marketing theme in place (logo, website, brochures, TV ads, etc.). The successful Offeror must work with the current design, and the existing brand standards including usage of required logos (DOI, SHIBA, ACL, ICOA, etc.), taglines and disclaimers, while developing new ideas within that design framework.

Describe in detail how you will develop new ideas using the existing designs and brand standards. If possible, give examples of other projects for which you have developed and implemented a marketing campaign using existing themes/designs. Please provide a Draft Media Plan including, but not limited to, your ideas, thoughts and outline to implement marketing on behalf of Idaho SHIBA.

7.6.           Project Service Orders (PSO)


The scope of work for this Contract is a combination of ongoing consultation, planning services and execution of specific marketing projects. In order to manage the various projects and budget, Idaho SHIBA shall utilize a Project Service Order system as described below.

Each PSO shall be comprised only of services outlined in Attachment 5 Cost Proposal. PSO’s may be progress billed, or billed at the finish of the project, as determined by Idaho SHIBA and the Contractor. No advance payments shall be allowed.

7.6.1.     Once Contractor and Idaho SHIBA agree upon a marketing project, the parties shall complete a Project Service Order (PSO) to define the timeline and estimated resources to be expended on the project. The PSO must include: a description of the project; a description of Contractor’s and Idaho SHIBA’s responsibilities; a project timeline; and the total estimated cost for the project (based on the Cost Proposal). The PSO may include additional information, requirements, or restrictions specific to each project.

7.6.2.     Idaho SHIBA reserves the right to cancel a Project Service Order at any time, upon written notice to the Contractor, if it determines that the project is no longer in Idaho SHIBA’s best interest. Upon written notice of Project Service Order cancellation, the Contractor must immediately cease work on the project and submit a final invoice for the hours worked up to the date/time of Project Service Order cancellation.

7.7.           Anticipated Projects

The following are projects for which Idaho SHIBA anticipates using Contractor’s services. The specific requirements of each project will be defined through the PSO process described above. The Contractor must provide estimated counts/demographics for people reached for all ads placed, in any form, under all PSO’s placed. The cost of media buying and placement shall be billed according to the billable rates in Attachment 5 Cost Proposal, printing and postage shall be reimbursed at cost and as specifically outlined in the PSO, if applicable.

The Contractor, when requested by Idaho SHIBA, must be able to produce any projects under this Contract in English and Spanish.

The Contractor may be asked by Idaho SHIBA to create new content, update existing content, or utilize existing content for any of the services provided on the resulting Contract.

7.7.1.     Media Plan

The Contractor must work with Idaho SHIBA to develop an ongoing media strategy and annual media plan to achieve the goals set forth in the RFP. The Media Plan must target Medicare beneficiaries throughout Idaho, with specific attention to limited income, rural, and Spanish-speaking beneficiaries.

7.7.2.     Direct Mail Campaigns

The Contractor must purchase mailing lists and coordinate mailing of various postcards based on established direct mail strategy. This includes Turning 65, pre-open enrollment, Treasure Valley, and rural targeted mailing.

7.7.3.     Brochures/Postcards

The Contractor must adhere to current brand standards and themes to revise, edit, design, and print brochures for volunteer recruitment as well as postcards for people turning 65, transitioning from Your Health Idaho to Medicare, and promoting the annual Medicare Open Enrollment period.

7.7.4.     Print Ads

The Contractor must adhere to current brand standards and themes to revise, edit, and design print ads. The Contractor must then place print ads according to the Media Plan developed by Contractor and Idaho SHIBA.

7.7.5.     Radio Ads

The Contractor must utilize scripts developed by Idaho SHIBA and write scripts for “live read” radio ads when necessary. The Contractor will generally be required to, but not always, secure talent, produce an actual radio ad, and secure ad time with radio stations according to the Media Plan.

7.7.6.     Television Ads

The Contractor must utilize scripts developed by Idaho SHIBA. Upon request the Contractor shall be required to, secure talent, produce actual ads, and secure ad time and placement with tv stations according to the Media Plan.

7.7.7.     Social Media Advertising and Post Boosting

The Contractor must, when requested by Idaho SHIBA, use current SHIBA branding to develop and place the following but not limited to: google search ads, Facebook ads, post boosting, and YouTube advertising.

7.7.8.     Short Web Videos

SHIBA is interested in creating additional short web videos covering Medicare-related topics to use on social media platforms and websites, as well as during trainings. The Contractor must, when requested by Idaho SHIBA, create short videos as detailed above and the videos may require Spanish subtitles or separate Spanish language versions. Idaho SHIBA anticipates up to two (2) new videos per year.

7.7.9.     Digital Ads

The Contractor must work closely with Idaho SHIBA to define, plan and execute SHIBA’s digital strategy. Upon request the Contractor shall be required to secure talent, produce actual ads, and secure ad time and placement according to the Media Plan.

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