STATE OF ILLINOIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Illinois State Board of Education Multimedia Marketing, Communications, and Advertising Campaign to Recruit Future Teachers

Due Date & Time: June 16, 2023 at 2:00 pm CST


Section 1. Part D. Specifications/Qualifications/Statement of Work V.233

D.2.2.2 The metrics that the Vendor and the Agency define as key indicators of campaign outcomes

and the specific timeframe that they will be realized. For example:

• Increases in the number of individuals who enter teaching in Illinois over the course of the

campaign, including:

o Number of prospects enrolling in teacher preparation programs

o Number of prospects applying for short-term approval

o Number of teachers applying for licensure reciprocity

• Increases in the proportion and/or number of individuals from the target campaign audiences

identified in market research. For example, enrolling prospects who:

o Come from target geographies.

o Identify as members of target populations.

o Intend to teach in high-demand subject areas.

o Intend to teach in target geographies.

• The rate of emailed individuals who report to enter teaching or the rates of entering prospects

who report to have engaged with the campaign.

D.2.3 Conduct market research to identify target audiences of likely prospective teachers and key

messages in both English and Spanish that will inspire and motivate those audiences to pursue a career

in teaching in a high-demand subject or region. Leverage any existing published research nationwide.

Conduct focus groups, stakeholder interviews, and other first-Party research. Provide a campaign brief

that defines the key characteristics of the target audience(s) from the market research and differentiates

them from other non-target audiences.

D.2.4 Develop a multimedia marketing and advertising strategy, including channel strategy; directional

media plan; and message testing and A/B testing, as needed.

D.2.5 Develop an earned communications plan, incorporating the Agency’s existing assets such as

media relations and social media platforms. Provide a communications framework that includes key

messages and channel roles.

D.2.6 Develop a thought-provoking and memorable creative campaign concept for omni-channel

communication that is culturally relevant and effective for both English and Spanish markets.

D.2.7 Coordinate and collaborate with stakeholders, including the Advance Illinois Teacher Pipeline

Workgroup, to gather and incorporate feedback on proposed messaging, identification of target

audiences, and campaign concept.

D.2.8 Design and develop visual assets and ad copy for digital, social, TV, radio, billboards, train/bus,

and print in English and Spanish. Include resources and toolkit for use by Agency communications team

and additional stakeholders. Provide for up to three rounds of revisions.

D.2.9 Develop a plan and cost estimates for photo and video production (including shot list), securing

talent, location(s), and any additional resources based on approved campaign concept.

D.2.10 Execute photo and video shoot based on approved estimates and campaign concept.

Section 1. Part D. Specifications/Qualifications/Statement of Work


D.2.11 Edit photo and video assets to produce spots as dictated by channel plan.

D.2.12 Develop tactical media plan and timeline to create effective reach and engagement among target

audiences in Illinois (and outside of Illinois, if identified in the market research) in both English and

Spanish markets.

D.2.13 Place media buys according to approved media plan. Negotiate the most cost-effective media

placement to maximize exposure to target audience. Offerors should assume a total operating budget,

including all expenses, production costs, subcontracting, salaries, advertising and media buys, of $6

million. This is solely for comparison purposes and not a guarantee of the Contract budget.

D.2.14 Provide daily management and weekly optimization of digital media campaigns, including

message testing and A/B testing, as needed.

D.2.15 Provide monthly campaign reporting and recommendations for optimization.

D.2.16 Perform keyword research to understand the behaviors and needs of target audiences, regularly

monitor those keywords, and modify search engine optimization tactics to respond. Work with the

Agency’s web development contractor to execute on-page and off-page search engine optimization.

Monitor performance through the Agency’s Google Analytics, to which the vendor will have direct access.

D.2.17 Develop website analytics for understanding interactions with the campaign’s presence on the

ISBE website, work with the Agency’s web development contractor to implement those analytics, and

monitor them to inform the campaign.

D.2.18 Develop plan for email marketing customer journey, including landing page for capturing emails;

automated funnels and flows; and targeted moments for personalized outreach/consultation with

Agency staff. The Agency would want the Vendor to propose what these flows and targeted moments

for outreach and support could involve. The Agency currently has a call center and Educator Effectiveness Department staff, but would need the Vendor to outline any additional requirements and how this outreach would be sustainable after the Contract period.

D.2.19 Develop email copy and visual design in English and Spanish.

D.2.20 Execute email marketing campaign within ClickDimensions, which is the Agency’s email service


D.2.21 Coordinate and collaborate with Agency staff to execute public relations and communications

activities, as needed.

D.2.22 Provide a final campaign wrap report. Include a summary of all activities performed, spend, and

campaign performance results, including, but not limited to:

1. Key performance indicators, as defined in D.2.2.1

2. Key campaign impact and outcomes metrics, as defined in D.2.2.2

3. Recommended next steps for the program

Section 1. Part D. Specifications/Qualifications/Statement of Work V.233


The Offeror should present a work plan as part of its Vendor demonstration detailing a timeline to complete the services listed in Section D.2 above with optimal impact in order to achieve ISBE’s desired results. Campaign must conclude and final expenses be paid by January 8, 2025. The detailed timeline should include at a minimum:

D.3.1 Campaign Management Plan

D.3.2. Message and Market Research

D.3.3 Campaign Concept and Strategy Development

D.3.4 Communications, Marketing, and Media Plan Development

D.3.5 Asset Production

D.3.6 Campaign Launch

D.3.7 Campaign Wrap

D.4 OFFEROR / STAFF SPECIFICATIONS: The Offeror should demonstrate that it understands the audience in Illinois and can respond effectively to the unique local needs of the target populations across the State of Illinois.

Offeror demonstrates and provides evidence of five years of experience in all of the following:

• Creative direction

• Art direction

• Email marketing

• Videography

• Photography

• Video production

• Video and photo editing

• Reporting and insights

• Account management

And provides evidence of five years of experience in both English and Spanish markets in all of the following:

• Communications strategy

• Market research

• Copywriting

• Search engine optimization

• Media planning

• Media buying

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