STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Promotional, Marketing and Social Media Assistance

Best Colleges In New Hampshire 2021

Proposal Due 7/12/24 4:00 PM

Proposals must be clearly marked as follows:


RESPONSE TO RFP CO-2024-001 Promotional, Marketing and Social Media Assistance

Electronic Proposals must be addressed to:



Subject line must include: RESPONSE TO RFP: RFP CO-2024-001 Promotional,

SECTION 1 – Overview and Schedule

A. Goal of this procurement/Business needs:

The objective is to promote numerous initiatives that benefit New Hampshire educators, students

and families throughout New Hampshire, and raise awareness about NHED programs,

scholarships and other initiatives supporting educators, students, parents, guardians,

administrators, school districts, school leaders and communities.

The resulting contract will be a guaranteed maximum price (not-to-exceed price) for the term of

three years (subject to funding availability) from the date of approval of the Governor and

Executive Council. The contract term may be extended by an additional term of two years at the

sole option of the Agency, subject to the parties’ prior written agreement and required

governmental approvals including Governor and Executive Council.

B. Schedule

The following table provides a Schedule of Events for this RFP through contract finalization and

approval. The Agency reserves the right to amend this Schedule at its sole discretion and at any

time through a published Addendum.

Estimate Timeframe for Oral Presentations and Interviews (if applicable) N/A

Estimated Notification of Selection 8/16/24

C. Description of Agency or Program issuing the Request for Proposals

The Commissioner’s Office of the New Hampshire Department of Education provides overall

leadership and management of the Department in implementing its services. This request for

proposal is being released in light of several complementary efforts to advance learning, improve

student outcomes and overall academic achievement through various programs to ensure that

educators and parents are well prepared to support students.

In this RFP, “Agency” means the New Hampshire Department of Education. “Vendor” means a

person or entity who offers products or services for sale. “Selected vendor” means the qualified

Bidder which has been identified by the Agency as having received the best score for its proposal

according to the criteria set forth in this RFP.

SECTION 2 – Requirements and Scope of Work

The New Hampshire Department of Education (NHED), through the Commissioner’s Office, is

seeking proposals for promotional, marketing and social media assistance to promote NHED

programs within the Granite State.

Anticipated projects include, but are not limited to, publicity and marketing efforts for: teacher

training programs, learning loss intervention programs for students and families, work-based

learning programs, tutoring programs, college guidance programs, literacy initiatives, academic

mentorship programs, Education Freedom Accounts, Learn Everywhere, outreach to ESL

students and families to connect them with support resources, and more.

This contract anticipates further development and dissemination of these types of

communications, some currently known and some that will be developed and assigned to the

vendor on an as-needed basis.

The selected vendor will start no later than October 1, 2024, pending Governor and Executive

Council approval.

The following describes the scope of services and performance standards that the selected vendor

will be expected to meet. Applicants should have experience and demonstrated success in

providing the full scope of services described in this RFP. Proposals should indicate how the

service provider will meet these expectations.

Competitive Priority #1

Plan and develop professionally designed handouts, posters, mail pieces, flyers, logos, slogans

and taglines for various NHED programs, at the request of the agency as the need arises.

Competitive Priority #2

Develop fully accessible (ADA compliant) website landing pages and video segments for various

NHED programs, at the request of the agency as the need arises.

Absolute Priority #1

Develop creative material and social media content while also posting social media content to

NHED’s social media platforms, at the request of the agency as the need arises. Implement and

oversee paid social media campaigns assigned by NHED.

Contractor Deliverables

The contractor shall be responsible for all tasks and deliverables required to complete the project

as described in the Scope of Work. It is anticipated that this shall include but not be limited to

expectations below. For these projects, vendors will:


1. Meet with NHED to discuss project details, review goals, timeline, roles and price point.

2. Coordinate and communicate with NHED throughout the contractual period.

3. Review the messaging, target audiences and other factors.

4. Develop a process for receiving NHED approval before documents are finalized.

5. Produce reports as needed to inform NHED on project progress and social media


6. Meet with NHED to report on results and make necessary adjustments; adjust delivery of

content and/or internal processes and systems as needed based on feedback and NHED


7. Implement plans to reach populations that are challenged with language and/or internet

access barriers.

8. NHED will hold the right to reproduce these work products in an unlimited capacity.

9. Provide one person who will be responsible for all activities required to fulfill said

contract and who will be vested with the authority to make decisions and commitments

on behalf of the contracted party during the contractual period.

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