STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Request for Proposal Public Relations and Recruitment for Computer Science Educator Program

University of New Hampshire Issues Media Buying RFP

Proposal Due 10/13/23 4:00 PM

Description of Agency or Program issuing the Request for Proposals

The Commissioner’s Office of the New Hampshire Department of Education provides overall leadership and management of the Department in implementing its services. This request for proposal is being released considering several complementary efforts to expand computer science education, industry recognized credential eligible for reimbursement and the amount of reimbursement.

In this RFP, “Agency” means the New Hampshire Department of Education. “Vendor” means a person or entity who offers products or services for sale. “Selected vendor” means the qualified Bidder which has been identified by the Agency as having received the best score for its proposal according to the criteria set forth in this RFP.

D. Vendor Instructions

Interested vendors must read the entire RFP and submit the required documents in the manner specified in the RFP. Vendors are responsible for reviewing the most updated information related to this RFP before submitting proposals.

SECTION 2 – Requirements and Scope of Work

The New Hampshire Department of Education (NHED), through the Commissioner’s Office, is seeking proposals for promotional, marketing and public relations assistance to promote the new Computer Science Education Program and help bring industry expertise to students.

Anticipated projects include, but are not limited to, publicity and marketing efforts for: a computer science educator credential that permits individuals holding eligible industry recognized credentials to receive a New Hampshire certified educator credential in the area of computer science, eligibility for a $5,000 bonus for the first year of teaching and a $2,500 bonus for the next two years of teaching for individuals teaching full time (or equivalent) in an approved New Hampshire computer science education program, and the application process for reimbursement and successful attainment.

This contract anticipates further development and dissemination of these types of communications, some currently known and some that will be developed.

The selected vendor will start no later than Jan. 1, 2024.

The following describes the scope of services and performance standards that the selected vendor will be expected to meet.

Applicants should have experience and demonstrated success in providing the full scope of services described in this RFP.

Proposals should indicate how the service provider will meet these expectations.

Competitive Priority #1

Plan and develop professionally designed handouts, posters, mail pieces, flyers, logos, slogans and taglines for the new Computer Science Educator Program. Develop a website landing page and short, 15-second video for the program.

Competitive Priority #2

Develop content, execute and implement a plan to disseminate critical messaging and raise awareness and education related to the program while focusing on efficient social media use and other creative ways of messaging to the field.

Competitive Priority #3

Establish and implement a cost-effective method to recruit individuals holding eligible industry recognized credentials to receive NH certified educator credentials in the area of computer science.

Competitive Priority #4

Develop and implement a way to measure effectiveness of the campaign and the program.

The contractor shall be responsible for all tasks and deliverables required to complete the project as described in the Scope of Work. It is anticipated that this shall include but not be limited to expectations below. For these projects, vendors will:

1. Meet with NHED to discuss project details, review goals, timeline, roles and price point.

2. Coordinate and communicate with NHED throughout the contractual period.

3. Review the messaging, target audiences and other factors.

4. Develop a process for receiving NHED approval before documents are finalized.

5. Produce reports as needed to inform NHED on project progress.

6. Meet with NHED to report on results and make necessary adjustments; adjust delivery of content and/or internal processes and systems as needed based on feedback and NHED input.

7. Implement plans to reach populations that are challenged with language and/or internet access barriers .

8. NHED will hold the right to reproduce these work products in an unlimited capacity.

9. Provide one person who will be responsible for all activities required to fulfill said contract and who will be vested with the authority to make decisions and commitments on behalf of the contracted party during the contractual.

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