Strawberry Laser Lipo Seeks 2nd Pr Agency



Strawberry Laser Lipo contacted a number of PR Agencies for representation in North America.  And while they hired an agency, an email obtained by Everything PR reveals:

“After much research and deliberation, our American partners chose a Company located in New York whom has worked with us since February.  As our product continues to flourish in the market and expand rapidly, we seek an additional Company to strengthen our presence even more.

When Laser Lipo launched the Strawberry in 2009 in the UK, we ensured that we had a strong PR agent supporting us.  Within the first 6 months, we were present in over 30 national magazines.  I have provided a report attached which demonstrates what our current US agent has published and what they have pending.

It is evident that from both our experience in the UK and US, that National TV and Magazine exposure is our key media source.  The interest we received after the Doctor’s Show and Rachael Ray show was phenomenal.  Please see the below link where a lady lost 8 inches from her abdomen in 1 treatment live on TV!  This exposure created unbelievable interest of which we aim to pursue.

We believe that the power of 2 PR agencies can take us from strength to strength and would like you to consider the opportunity of working alongside us. So as you can tell, we see bright lights in the distance and a fantastic product which is yet to release its full potential in the States. “


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