System of Care

Date of Issue: January 24, 2024

Opening Date and Time: February 29, 2024


2.4.1 SOCAC Overview and Background

Oregon Revised Statute 418.976 defines “System of Care” as a coordinated network of individualized services and supports to youth that:

• Integrates care planning and management across multiple levels of care;

• Recognizes disability as a natural and healthy part of the human experience;

• Is culturally and linguistically competent;

• Is designed to build meaningful partnerships with families and youth in the delivery and management of services and the development of policy;

• Has a supportive policy and management infrastructure at the state and local levels; and

• Is community-based with relationships at the local level.

The goal of SOC is to create an array of services and supports that are youthand family-driven, community-based, and culturally and linguistically responsive.

2.4.2 Project Overview and Background

The overarching goal of Oregon’s SOCAC is, in partnership with youth and families, to develop and implement a coordinated, collaborative, and comprehensive system of services and supports that are family driven, youth guided, community based and culturally and linguistically responsive. This is achieved through attention to four Key areas which are closely linked to the

SOC core values and are considered by the SOCAC as Pillars in Oregon: Pillar I: Youth and Family are full partners in care at the individual, program and policy levels with strengths and needs of the child and  family determining the types and mix of services and supports provided.

Core Objectives: Ease of service use; diverse services statewide; planful transitions; services match needs; natural and community supports; youth and family feedback; youth- and family-led system change; early assessment of needs; peer support services; health prevention and promotion services. Pillar II: Child and youth serving systems are integrated and collaborative with shared initiatives, funding, processes, and policies that are youth and family driven, transparent and grounded in the System of Care philosophy.

Core Objectives: Diverse access and array of services; youth and family rights; increase diversity of service providers; services match needs; system coordination; effective and responsive services;

prevention and early intervention; service entry available to all; shared responsibility. Pillar III: Services and supports are culturally responsive with services that are developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate, reflecting the historical and generational trauma and marginalization of the population served and their cultural, traditional, ethnic, and linguistic variations.

Core Objectives: Responsive and informed services; youth-and family-led equitable change; diverse service providers trained and retained; diverse service providers statewide; youth and family informed data. Pillar IV: Services and supports are community based so that appropriate care options are accessible, flexible, and available at home or close by.

Core Objectives: Local design; equity in local communities; connection to community; full local array of services; local crosssystem approaches; local champions; local accountability; early local response; coordinated local supports.

2.4.3 Purpose

The primary purpose of this RFP is to obtain a qualified, full-service advertising firm capable of developing and implementing a multi-platform, integrated marketing and outreach campaign, to increase awareness and understanding of the supports and services available through the SOC in

Oregon, to improve the mental health and well-being of children and youth. By using a combination of social media, website development, newsletters, community outreach, and media outreach, the campaign seeks to engage with the target audience and Key stakeholders to increase awareness about available services, promote access to these services, and enhance the quality of care. Regular evaluation and measurement will help to assess the impact of its marketing efforts and make any necessary adjustments to improve its outreach and engagement. Key Marketing Objectives:

• Increase public awareness about the supports and services available through the SOC in Oregon by 50% within six months of contract execution.

• Educate Key stakeholders about SOC’s services and impact, resulting in a 20% increase in engagement and support.

• Position SOC as a leading voice in improving the mental health and well-being of children and youth in Oregon. Target Audience:

• Children and youth with complex behavioral health needs;

• Parents and guardians of children and youth with complex behavioral health needs;

• Health and human service providers;

• Community-based organizations;

• Government agencies;

• Faith-based entities;

• Policymakers and elected officials;

• Community Care Organizations (CCOs) and local SOCACs managed by CCOs; and

• Tribal Systems of Care (SOCs) managed by Oregon’s 9 Federally Recognized Tribes.


2.5.1 Performance Standards Performance. OHA requires that the successful Proposer meets the highest standards prevalent in the industry or business most closely involved in providing the appropriate goods or services. Equity. Contractor shall consider agency culture, mission, vision, values and voice when creating products. All work shall align with the equity principles of the agency (OHA Health Equity). 

Contractor shall prioritize the identification of shared goals and values with interestholders, constituents and partners that add value to equity-focused product development. When needed, an equity analysis will be conducted by the Contractor to identify possible concerns and ensure

that the decision-making process prioritizes equity and access. ADA and Accessibility. All products shall be accessible without additional modifications needed. Any PDF documents shall be fully screen-reader accessible. Images shall include alternate text descriptions. Color contrast shall be optimized. Contractor shall include large print versions of materials as part of the deliverable package.


2.6.1 Scope of Work and Specifications

SOCAC anticipates launching a 2-year comprehensive marketing and

advertising campaign that aligns community engagement activities to promote

System of Care statewide.

The scope of this campaign includes conducting market analysis, increasing engagement, and an understanding of SOC including a combination of social media, website development, newsletters, community outreach, and media outreach. Regular evaluation and measurement will help to assess the impact of its marketing efforts and make any necessary adjustments to improve its outreach and engagement. This can include subcontracting and/or DAS Procurement Services,

establishing community engagement and partnership networks with culturally specific and community-based organizations and providers.

The successful Proposer will demonstrate innovation by showcasing past expertise on the leading edge of technology in the communications and social marketing industry; as well as having a focus on public health, social justice, racial equity or social change issues, movement building and working with diverse, multi-cultural communities and consist of the following:

• Phase 1: Focus on local SOC coordinators, Community Care Organization directors, insurance payers, and formal system partners.

• Phase 2: Focus on the general public and engages them in helping us increase access to the services which are part of the continuum of care.

This campaign will be based upon approval of the strategic communications and community engagement plan and will focus on the intended users of these resources (youth, family and local partners), co-created with SOCAC. User testing will be used to refine messages prior to finalization.

The marketing campaign must include:

• An analysis of the current understanding of SOC in the community and among partners.

• Assessment of website content, and potential migration of content away from the OHA hosted website ( ).

• An overall strategy, message development, and development of campaign tools and materials.

• Utilization of diverse advertising channels such as social media, outdoor, radio, and digital video, or others strategically determined to best reach targeted populations with available budget.

• Monthly reporting and data-driven campaign adjustments based on campaign performance, reach and engagement.

• A formal process and structure (i.e., technical assistance network, community of practice, shared digital community, or other models) to ensure community-based organizations, counties, providers, advocates and other partners can provide feedback to and help disseminate the

media campaign.

• Key Performance Indicators (as agreed upon within the scope of work) to demonstrate the success of the strategic communications and community engagement plan. This may include, but is not limited to, measurements like social media impressions, website page views, campaign conversion rates, ad recall surveys, or other metrics.

Proposer will, at the direction of SOCAC, assure seamless handover of Materials to a potential new Proposer in the future should services required under this RFP, be resolicited.

The Proposer will obtain and maintain for SOCAC all materials, including licenses, administrative rights, and historical documents related to the advertising campaign.

2.6.2 Impact

The overall impact would be measured by improved understanding of the SOC, and include: Message Development:

• Highlighting the supports and services available through the SOC, including its focus on improving the mental health and well-being of children and youth in Oregon.

• Emphasize SOC’s role in creating a comprehensive and coordinated system of care for children and youth with mental health needs.

• Explain how SOC works with key stakeholders and partners to achieve its goals and improve outcomes for children and youth.

• Share success stories of barriers resolved, new partnerships created, improvements to access or outcomes, and process improvements to improve access to care, etc. Marketing Channels:

• Social Media: Utilize social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Podcasts, and Tik Tok, to reach a wider audience and engage with key stakeholders. Budget includes

advertising spending as well as planning and design.

• Website: Develop and maintain an updated website to provide information about SOC’s services and resources.

The website should include information specific to children and youth, caregivers, providers, and the community at large. Create a web design that allows local SOC partners to share local

resources, meeting times, success stories, and invite additional collaboration with local and regional providers, families, and youth.

• Newsletters: Create templates and branding collateral for regularly published newsletters to keep stakeholders informed about SOC’s activities, events, and achievements.

• Community Outreach: Create and implement a plan for community outreach and engagement in the development and design phase, to ensure the products created work for the target audiences. Ensure linguistic access for top 8 languages spoken in Oregon, access for visual/hearing impairments, and plan for providing information in a variety of formats for a

variety of access needs.

• Media Outreach: Provide a plan for SOCAC to develop and maintain relationships with local media outlets to secure coverage and increase visibility for SOC. Evaluation and Measurement:

• Track website traffic, social media engagement, and newsletter subscribers to measure the impact of the marketing efforts.

• Conduct regular surveys to gather feedback from stakeholders and measure their level of awareness and understanding of SOC’s services and impact.

• Evaluate the success of community outreach events and media coverage to determine their effectiveness in increasing awareness and engagement.


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