Tagged: insights

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SkirtBike: Bicycles as Women’s Fashion Statement

Last weekend, Bucharest was the stage of an attention grabbing event, SkirtBike, who gathered a few hundred female bike riders and encouraged them to maintain their style while riding. Skirts, hats, dresses and high-heels were only a small part of the fashion statment made by women attendees.

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Safety and Creativity in Advertising

Creativity just naturally goes with advertising, right? Well, not necessarily. Many advertisers rely on tired formulas that do little more than bore the viewer (or reader, or listener).

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BP’s Aggressive PR Plan Revealed, Piss Everyone Off

BP’s new PR strategy must be to destroy the brand forever. CEO Tony Hayward refers to the Gulf oil spill as if he, nor the company care in the least. Worse still, the company just employed PR giant Brunswick to help save their behinds. Maybe big business has just lost touch with reality all together? If social media and traditional media go on the war path over this, BP is a cooked goose.

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It’s Teacher Appreciation Week–Thank a Teacher Today

Today, May 4th, is Teacher Appreciation Day. This entire week, May 3rd through May 7th, is also set aside for teacher recognition. (According to the Parent Teacher Association (PTA), the appreciation week actually begins...

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E-Government, Online Information and More Power to the People

A recent Pew Research Center report shows that almost all of America’s netizens have interacted online in one way or another with government agencies in the past 12 months. While the results are impressive, we’re still far from real interaction, dialogues and open debate on official Internet channels. Netizens still rely on offline sources of information and keep the real idea exchange on other platforms.

Oprah Winfrey PR Genius everything-pr 0

Oprah Winfrey’s Biography, Exposé or Repose

Oprah Winfrey is the subject of a controversial unauthorized biography now. The world according to Oprah is chomping at the bit to see if she is the saint millions paint her as. Author Kitty Kelly is famous too, for revealing (or appearing to) celebrity dirt. Is this just more PR for Winfrey, or is there anything to be a buzz about?