Three Things About Tech All Entrepreneurs Need To Know

tech entrepreneur

tech entrepreneur

Everything-PR conducted an interview with Sarel Doglu, a technology professional who knows marketing, and knows how to help small and medium sized businesses grow. Doglu is a valuable tool for many business owners.  His words should be listened to – Here’s our interview:

EPR: Learning about technology for business purposes can seem daunting. What should business owners know?

Sarel Doglu: “Even the most well-seasoned professionals might feel unsure how the digital explosion impacts their business. For those striking out on new business ventures, this challenge is even more intimidating. The tech needs of entrepreneurs are different from those who manage well-established businesses and good, long-term advice can be hard to come by.

Here are a few practical, need-to-know tips about tech that will outlast trends and empower you to focus on growing your company.

cloud safety

Take advantage of cloud services, especially if they’re free

Many of your peers and employees already use Gmail. Why not put it to its best use? Although cloud services have been around for a long time, they’ve been attracting buzz from workplaces around the world for the last few years. This is because they enable sharing and collaboration in ways that used to be unthinkable. The three major types of cloud services are Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). For larger-scale operations, it makes sense to spend a bit of money on one of these services. The Google app suites count as Software as a Service, which is the most popular form of cloud service. It’s typically also the least expensive (if it’s not free).

However, depending on your enterprise’s needs, it’s worth considering PaaS and IaaS. “Platform as a Service” refers to cloud computing services allowing users to build and manage their own web application services without having to develop their basic infrastructure. There are several companies providing PaaS or IaaS, including Oracle, Google App Engine, and IBM Bluemix. “Infrastructure as a Service” offers support for a full-scale IT enterprise, complete with web servers, mail servers and more, all hosted remotely within a data center. As your venture grows, use of these services can reduce costs and time associated with managing your technology, allowing you to focus on your business.

Mobile is key

Explosive mobile growth

In 2016, the number of smartphone users in the world will reach 2 billion — almost a quarter of the world’s population! Though your venture may not rely on online sales, to stay competitive, it’s critical to think about how this might affect you. Businesses envisioning new ways of harnessing mobile technology prove they’re thinking about their future, and they have the upper hand on those who don’t.

If your company’s website isn’t optimized for mobile devices, now is the time to do it. Revising your site (along with all web-based communications, such as email campaigns and ads) to make sure it functions well on tablets and smartphones gives you an opportunity to assess your web presence. Make sure to work with a developer who has a solid background in mobile design.

The social commerce revolution is just starting

Social media has altered the day-to-day lives of people around the world. Websites like Facebook, Linkedin, and Pinterest have always relied on advertising to fuel their growth. However, the true impact of social media on business is just beginning. Twitter just unveiled a new “buy” button, allowing more fluid and immediate sales to take place on the popular platform. Nations with social media networks are also embracing this trend. If your company does business abroad, it’s important to research which social sites are popular there. They can boost sales and interest among regional markets.

If you sell directly to consumers, having a “buy now” button on your website is an excellent idea. Even if you’re not marketing a product, there are still ways to use this shift to your benefit. Fast-paced and casual online dialogue about companies and products is the new norm. With this in mind, an interactive experience on your site marks your venture as savvy and people-friendly. It’s great to allow customers to give testimonies if that’s appropriate for your service. Remember that customers like meaningful communications with businesses, and don’t be afraid to get creative with your social functions.–

Our commentary: With over 15 years of hands-on experience crafting meaningful technology solutions, Sarel Doglu is a well-respected technology service professional.  He has helped many of his clients grow – small and medium companies in need of strategic technology architecture utilizing tailored, multi-phase solutions.

Doglu applies his vast C-level experience at both startups and established companies whose main product is software along with those who use software to achieve their business goals. He engineers software, services, and architecture for digital products and platforms focusing on meeting his clients’ design and business objectives.  Mr. Doglu is scheduled to launch a new mobile motivational social app in the upcoming months.  He may be reached at

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