Texas Department of Agriculture Issues RFP For Marketing

Texas Department of Agriculture Issues RFP For Marketing & Design

Texas Department of Agriculture Issues RFP For Marketing & Design

The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) issues this Request for Proposals (RFP) for Graphic Design Services for the Marketing Division/GO TEXAN Program.


TDA’s Marketing Division promotes the products, culture and communities that call Texas home, with specific funding for the promotion of Texas wine, shrimp, specialty crops and participation in the State Fair of Texas.

Scope of Work:

Teamwork: The Contractor must be able to work with TDA personnel to create a conceptual design approved by TDA. Contractor must coordinate with and report to TDA’s Project Manager, the GO TEXAN Marketing Coordinator (or designee), to ensure proper understanding of project goals and targets. Produce high quality educational outreach project materials that may include but not limited to:

  • Event signage
  • Billboards
  • Pull-up signage
  • Promotional items (buttons, postcards)
  • Digital media ads
  • Webpages
  • Brochures (bi-fold and tri-fold)
  • Website banner
  • Posters
  • Email masthead
  • Handouts
  • Email blast components
  • Social media
  • One-pager templates

Campaigns: The Contractor will design materials to support a wide range of campaigns and programs including:

  • Texas Wine – uncorktexaswines.com
  • Texas Gulf Shrimp – gotexan.org/ExperienceGOTEXAN/GOTEXANShrimp.aspx
  • Specialty Crops (such as Farmers Markets)- gotexan.org/LocateGOTEXAN/CertifiedFarmersMarkets.aspx
  • Certified Retirement Communities – retireintexas.org/
  • State Fair of Texas – gotexan.org/ForMembers/StateFairofTexas.aspx
  • GO TEXAN – gotexan.org

Contractor shall:

  1. Create an original concept and complete any changes required by TDA in order to produce the final product within the specified timeline;
  2. Have capacity to work on multiple projects (up to four (4)) with one (1) to five (5) deliverables at any given time;
  3. Ensure accuracy of design for all pieces of the specific project and the deliverable(s). Consistency in look, feel, color, separations, halftones, graphic design and layouts will be expected;
  4. Utilize the latest version of design programs (i.e. InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.)
  5. Deliver copywriting support when needed;
  6. Deliver graphic design support for webpages and e-blasts;
  7. Deliver recommended printing specifications and paper stock to TDA project manager;
  8. Deliver digital media ads when needed;
  9. Coordinate and execute photo shoots when needed;
  10. Coordinate the procurement of promotional items;
  11. Work with TDA to ensure accuracy of design for all pieces of the specific project, including color separations, halftones, graphic design and layouts, as well as functionality;
  12. Work with TDA regarding layout, design, structural specifications, printing specifications and corresponding deadlines;
  13. Ensure that reviews, edits and proofs are included as part of the project review and approval process, including dioramas;
  14. Establish detailed timelines, be able to manage numerous tasks simultaneously and complete all projects on time as outlined in project timeline;

Due Date:

July 12th


Texas Department of Agriculture

Stephen F. Austin Bldg.

Attention: Max Hernandez, Senior Contract Specialist

Financial Services, Procurement

1700 N. Congress Avenue, 11th Floor

Austin Texas 78701

PR firms with creative groups includes Ruder Finn and Finn Partners.

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